
Showing posts from September, 2023

Definitions & Differences - Play and Drama, Fiction and Non Fiction

  Difference Between Play and Drama Drama  is a genre of literature, which is basically the script, and the actors play the role of different characters to tell the story to the viewers and facilitate interpretation. It is often designed and developed for theatrical portrayal. Drama is one of the active forms of literature, which tends to inform, educate and entertain the audience at the same time. Drama is often juxtaposed with a play.  Play  implies a piece of literature, which is written in single or multiple acts, consisting of different scenes in each act. The primary difference between play and drama is that play is a dramatic performance on the stage, whereas drama is a literary composition in the form of prose or verse, that portrays dialogue showing conflict which the main character attempts to resolve.   Drama Vs Play-Comparison Chart BASIS FOR COMPARISON PLAY DRAMA Meaning A play implies a dramatic work which includes dialogue amidst the characters, a...