
Showing posts with the label Class X CBSE English

Class X- Poem - 9 ( First Flight )-"Fog"-by Carl Sandburg

Fog  by Carl Sandburg   About the Poet Carl August Sandburg (1878-1967) was an American poet, writer and editor. He won three Pulitzer Prizes- two for his poetry and one for his biography of Abraham Lincoln. He wrote poems like grass, analysis, Chicago, etc.   Central Idea of the Poem The poet Carl Sandburg in his poem ‘Fog’ describes fog as a ‘cat’. This description of fog as a living creature shows the poet’s interest in the wonders and beauties of nature. To him, the coming of fog resembles the way a cat comes silently on little cat feet. Like a cat, the fog sits on its haunches and like a cat’s gaze, the fog looks over the harbour and the city. Just like a cat keeps moving and hardly stays at one place, the fog also slowly moves on and vanishes. Summary of the Poem The poet says that the fog which is generally seen during the winter season is coming towards the city and the harbour just like a cat. This means that it is approaching the city in a very silent manner so that no one c

Class X- Poem - 8 (First Flight)-"The Trees"by Adrienne Rich

  About the Poet Adrienne Rich (1929-2012) was born in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. She was a famous poet, essayist and feminist. She has published nineteen volumes of poetry, three collections of essays and other writings. Central Idea of he Poem The poem The Trees’ by Adrienne Rich shows the conflict between man and nature. With the growth and development of society, human beings have used nature for their own benefit and caused a lot of harm to it. In order to use natural resources like forests, minerals etc. men have forgotten the importance of nature. The poet wants to give the message that the presence of a few trees inside our homes does not become equal to nature, it is a very false idea of nature. Real nature is outside, in the forests that we have destroyed. The trees in the speaker’s house want to break the walls of the house and move to the forest which has become empty. The birds can sit again on their branches, the insects can hide there and the sun rays can disappear unde

Class X- Poem -7 First Flight "Animals"-by Walt Whitman

                                Animals   by Walt Whitman   About the Poet Walt Whitman (1819-1892) is a major figure in early American poetry. He broke the tradition of rhymed and metrical poetry. He was famous for writing a revolutionary new kind of poetry which was in free verse. The poem ‘animals’ is from his work ‘Song of Myself’ in Leaves of grass. Central Idea of the Poem In the poem ‘Animals’, the poet Walt Whitman praises animals for being better than human beings and for possessing all such qualities that humans lack or have forgotten. Those qualities are calmness, the lack of greed and the ability to stay happy and contained among others. The poet wants to live among animals and experience a life where no one complains and where they are free of sins and sorrow. The most important theme of the poem is not to praise how good animals are, but to compare humans with them in order to highlight the flaws of their nature. The poet believes that probably a very long time ago, human