Writing skills for class XII- Notice Writing, Invitation Writing ,Letter/Job Application, Article Writing , Report Writing








Topics – Class - XII – English Core For session 2024-25

1. Notice writing- 4 Marks

2. Formal/Informal Invitation and Replies - 4 Marks 

3.  Letters to the editor (giving suggestions/opinions on an issue)/ Or

● Application for a job with a bio-data or resume  - 5 Marks .

4.  Article & Report Writing - 5 Marks 



A notice is a written information or news announcement. Notices are either displayed at prominent places or published in newspapers/ magazines. They are meant for a selected audience only. Since notices contain formal announcements, they have a formal style and are factual, using simple language


Format of a Notice : A notice is always written in a box.

Word Limit : 50 words

Marking Scheme  : 4 Marks

Format : Name of the organization/Notice/Heading/Date/Signature with name and Designation [1 Mark]

Content: For whom (Target group)?What? When? Where? Agenda etc. [2 Marks]

Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar Coherence, spellings and grammatical accuracy [1 Mark]






Content : Target group- for whom the notice is. Date, time, venue and all important details and any extra information needed. (Body of the Notice 50 words)

{Answer the questions- For whom, what, when, where , when how, by whom + additional information}






 Tips to be followed while writing a Notice

       Adhere to the specified word limit of 50 words.

       Write the word NOTICE at the top.

       Mention the name and place of the school, organization or office issuing the notice.

       Give an appropriate heading.

       Write the date of issuing the notice.

       Clearly mention the target group (for whom the notice is to be displayed).

       Purpose of the notice.

       Mention all the relevant details (date, venue, time, whom to contact, etc.).

       Signature, name and designation of the person who is issuing the notice.

       Put the notice in a box.


1.      Sarvodaya Education Society, a charitable organisation is coming to your school to distribute books among the needy students. As Head Boy/Head Girl, Vinayak Public School, Sikar, write a notice in about 50 words asking such students to drop the lists of books they need in the box kept outside the Principal's office. You are Amar/Aumrika.







Sarvodaya Education Society, a charitable organisation is arranging to visit our school on XXth August, 20XX to distribute books among the needy students. This is to inform such students to drop the lists of books they need with their names written in the box, kept outside the Principal's office. The books will be handed over to the concerned students by the class teachers. For any queries contact the undersigned.


   (Head Girl)


2.      Your club is going to organise an inter-house singing competition. Write a notice in about 50 words inviting names of the students who want to participate in it. Give all the necessary details. You are Navtej/Navita, Secretary, Music Club, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Dhalai, Tripura.






The Music Club of the vidyalaya is going to organise an Inter- house singing competition for the students of class VIII to XII on 10th August, 20XX in the school auditorium. Songs could be folk, classical, light classical, even western. Those interested may give their names to the class teachers latest by 5th August 20XX. For further details contact the undersigned.




(Music Club)

3.      You are Riddhi/ Ritham of Delhi Public School, Srinagar. Your school has decided to organise a cultural programme to raise funds for the victims of floods in Uttrakhand. Draft a notice, in not more than 50 words, for your school notice board.





The school is organising a cultural programme to raise funds for the victims of recent floods in Uttrakhand. The show will be held at 5 p.m. on 20th July 20XX in the school auditorium. The State Education Minister has concerned to be the Chief Guest. Entry will be by tickets. Do contribute as well to the cause generously.



(Head Girl)


Q.4 You are Amit/Amita, Head boy/Head girl of your school (Zenith Public School, Lucknow). Write a notice for your school notice board calling for entries from desirous students for Britannia Quiz Contest- Preliminary round to be held at your school. (Word limit- 50 words).




22 August, 2019


An Inter-School Britannia Quiz Contest will be held in Bhartiya Vidya Sadan, Lucknow on 15th  september, 2019. The preliminary round for the quiz will take place at our school. Entries are invited from the interested students of classes VI to XII. Their names should be given to Hardik in the Activity Room during the recess. The last date for receiving entries is 30th Aug, 2019.


(Head boy)



Q.5 You are Abhinav/Abha.. You have planned a 2-week course to be arranged to help the children of your Group Housing Society at Kanpur, acquire the oral communication skills. Prepare a notice for the society's notice board, stating the objective of the course, giving necessary details of the course and requesting the children of the society to join the course.




20 AUG, 2019


A 2-week course is to be arranged to provide a rare opportunity for the children aged between 8-14 years to polish up their oral communication skills. The course starts on 10th Sept,2019 under the able guidance of qualified and experienced instructors. The fee for the course is Rs 1500 per child and the timings are 3 pm to 6 pm (Monday to Saturday). The children who are interested may register themselves at the society office latest by 5th Sept,2019. For further details contact the undersigned.


(The Secretary)



Unsolved Examples

Q.6 As Librarian, Crescent International School, Gwalior, draft a notice in not more than 50 words asking all the students and teachers to return the library books they have borrowed, two days before the commencement of the examination.

Q.7 As Sports Secretary of G.D.G Public School, Pune, draft a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board informing the students about the sale of old sports goods of your school. You are Rohini/Rohit.

Q.8 You lost your wrist watch in your school auditorium. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board giving a detailed description of the watch. You are Anirudh/Arundhati of Class XII of Springfields School, Pune.

Q.9 You are the President of your colony's Residents Welfare Association. There will be no water supply on Saturday and Sunday in the colony due to repair work. Write a notice for the colony Notice Board informing the residents about the same, advising them to store water, giving phone no. of water tankers.

Q.10 Every year in the Central Park of the city a flower show is held in the month of February. Your school has received a circular from the District Collector inviting your students to visit it. Write a letter in about 50 words informing the students about the show and advising them to go and enjoy it. You are Jayesh/ Jhanvi, Head Boy/ Head Girl,  Sikkim Public School, Sikkim.




The practice of inviting friends and relatives is a part of social etiquette.  Invitations are generally in form of printed cards or in form of note/letters through which we invite our guests on some auspicious occasions like wedding, birthday , wedding anniversary, house warming, inauguration of a shop/factory, annual function, sports/misc events etc.

Invitations are of two types:


Invitations are basically of two types: 1) Formal     and    2) Informal

Formal invitations may further be divided into i) Printed cards   and    ii) Formal letter of invitation.

Marking Scheme

 Marks: 4- Format: 1 / Content: 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1


I.                    PRINTED CARDS (General Invitation/Invitation Card) – These written requests are generally designed and printed on invitation cards. and are for bulk invitations to relatives, neighbours, colleagues, guardians on social occasions/Other misc events.



       Must be enclosed in a box

       It is a single sentence presentation

       In line commas are allowed

       End line punctuations are skipped

       Answer the five W’s

o   WHO – is the host.

o   WHAT – is the occasion.

o   WHOM – for whom is the occasion.

o   WHEN – is the date, time.

o   WHERE – is it being held.

       Be brief and stick to the word limit (50 words)

       Write the invitation in 3rd person.

       It has to be polite and courteous.

       Month to be written in words (1st July,20XX)

       Write in simple present tense.   

       No signatures are required.

       Name of VIP is included in VIP invitations.



       Name (s) /Designation of the host issuing the invitation.

       Use a standard expression/introductory lines for invitation--

       (…. Cordially invite you to , request the pleasure of your company, solicit your benign/gracious presence, Cordially request the honour of your presence, invite you to join, seek the pleasure of your company/ presence)

       Mention the purpose/Reason of the occasion (Birthday, marriage, Annual Function or Other Misc Events etc.)

       Day, Date and time of the Event/Function

       Name of the Venue/Place of the event with complete address.

       In case of VIP, name of the Chief Guest /VIP

       Write- R.S.V.P (Frence Word : Respondez S’il Vous Plait –i.e., Respond if You please.)

       Include the contact details of the host, like, telephone or mobile number.

       Add the address of the host.

       Mention the special note, if any. (e.g., Keep phone on silent mode / Please be seated by …)

       May use varied fonts and sizes to highlight the Key words.



1.     1.  You are a student of Neelgiri public school, Ooty. The school is holding its annual function. Write an invitation on behalf of the Principal of your school inviting the important persons of the town to attend the function to be held on July 15, 2024 at 10.00am.


The Principal, Staff and the Students of                               -----  (Name of host)


                              NEELGIRI PUBLIC SCHOOL                              -----(Name of Host Institution if any)


                                          request your benign presence                                  ----(Standard Expression)

                                             on the auspicious occasion


                                         THE ANNUAL FUNCTION                                ----(Purpose/Reason)

                                                  of the school

                                        at 10.00 am on July 15, 2024.                                   ----(Time, Day, Date)


                                              School Auditorium                                              ----(Venue)

                                   Shri R.K. Shriniwasan, I.A.S.                                       -----(Name of VIP if any)

           will be the Chief Guest and will give away the prizes to the students.    ----(Other Misc Information)



9845376267                                                                                               ---- (RSVP & Contact Details)                                                                                          



2.       2. Draft an invitation on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Tarla of 21 Sector-14, Bhopal, which they may use to invite their friends and relatives on the birth anniversary of their son Neeraj at their residence on August 16, 2019.


Mr. and Mrs. Tarla

request the pleasure of your benign presence

on the auspicious occasion of the



their son


at their residence

21, Sector-14, Bhopal

at 3.30 p.m.


August 16, 2019



Mr. and Mrs. Tarla



3. You are Dhruv/Shikha .Your Father Shri Dheeraj Garg of Gurugram wants you to draft an invitation to be sent to your friends and relatives  on the ocassion of your elder sister's marriage . Prepare the invitation giving necessary details in not more than 50 words. 


1.    4.   You are Faiz/ Falak Mazumdar living at 39, Udampur Colony, Shimla. You decide to hold a dinner party to congratulate your grandparents on their golden wedding anniversary. Draft a formal invitation in not more than 50 words to all family members to attend a grand dinner at home.



Formal replies are formal in tone and treatment. It must be brief, to the point, pleasant, polite and courteous.


       Write in brief/Concise.

       The date of writing appears on the left hand side.

       Acknowledge the invitation, express gratefulness.

       All the details like events, date, day, venue etc must be included

       It closes with regards/Best wishes and name.

       Varied fonts and sizes are not used.

       Written in continued Text and content is enclosed in box.

       Mention acceptance or regret (specify reason for not attending).

       Use polite and formal language.

       It is written in the First Person while repling in NOTE form .

       Stick to word limit 50 words.



I.                    You are Trina Das, Write a formal reply to acknowledge your acceptance to the wedding ceremony invitation, inventing all the necessary details. (Formal reply  of acceptance to the question No-3)

20th April, 20XX

8, Park Road, Delhi

I thank Mrs. & Mr Dheeraj Garg for inviting us on the occasion of the marriage ceremony of their daughter on Monday 24th April, 20XX at Diamond party Lawn, S.V. Road, Gurugram. We are delighted to accept and  will be glad to attend the ceremony. We extend best wishes to the newly weds a happy married life.

Best wishes

Trina Das


II.                  You are Trina, Write a formal reply to Rrefusing an invitation to a wedding ceremony invitation while inventing all the necessary details. (Formal reply  of refusal to the question No-3)

20th April, 20XX

8, Park Road, Delhi

I thank Mrs. & Mr Dheeraj Garg for inviting us on the occasion of the marriage ceremony of their daughter on Monday 24th April, 20XX at Diamond party Lawn, S.V. Road, Gurugram. We regret that we will be not able to attend due to some prior unavoidable engagement. We extend best wishes to the new wedding couple.

Best wishes

Trina Das


       These are written to specific people for formal occasions, e.g., to chief guest, judge for competition, etc. Such invitations are very persuasive in nature.



Sender's/Host- Address

Date (July 24 20XX)

Address of the Addressee/Guest

Subject : Invitation for/to............................................

Salutation: (Sir/Dear Sir/Respected Sir)

Body :----------------------------------(All the details of invitation – Event/Function/Purpose/ date/time/Venue etc)



Yours Sincerely / Truly:




4.     1.  The Literary Club of your school is putting up the play ‘Waiting for Godot’. As the Secretary of the Club, draft and invitation inviting the famous writer Tishani Doshi to be the Chief Guest of  the function. Write the invitation in not more than 50 words. You are Anupam/ Anushree.

The Literary Club

Kendriya Vidyalaya RK Puram Sec -8,

New Delhi

12th Feb 20XX

Ms. Tishani Doshi

Member, All India Writers’ Association

Pragati Path, New Delhi

Subject: Invitation to be the Chief Guest.

Dear Madam (Ma’am)

The Literary Club of the Vidyalaya requests the pleasure of your esteemed presence on the occasion of Annual Theatre Festival on Friday, 19th Feb 20XX at 9 a.m. at the School Auditorium.

The students of the school are putting up the play ‘Waiting for Godot’. Your presence will encourage the students thereby making the occasion more meaningful and attractive. Hope our invitation will be accepted by you.

Thank you,

Yours truly,

Anupam/ Anushree


5.      2. On 30th November your school is going to celebrate its Annual Sports Day. You want Mr. Dhanraj Pillai, a noted hockey player to give away the prizes to the budding sportspersons of the school. Write a formal invitation in about 50 words requesting him to grace the occasion. You are Jay/ Jagruti, Sports Secretary, Tagore Public School, Chennai.

Tagore Public School


 15th November 20XX

 Mr Dhanraj Pillai

Abhilasha Apartments


 Subject: Invitation to Preside over Annual Sports Day

Dear Sir,

Our school is going to celebrate its Annual Sports day on 30th November 20XX. A number of students are likely to participate in various sports events.

We shall be highly honoured if you kindly give your consent to preside over the programme and to give away the prizes to the budding sportspersons of the school at 10.00 am at the school playground.

Hope our invitation will be accepted.

Warm regards,


Yours truly,

Jay/ Jagruti

Sports Secretary








A.       You are Dr. Anant Gupta, an eminent educationist. You have been invited to preside over an Inter- Zonal Declamation competition by Nalini, the President of English Literary Club of Government Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-20, Chandigarh. Write a reply accepting the invitation.


73, Sector 14A



18th January, 20XX


Ms Nalini Dev

Government Model Sr Sec School,

Sec-20 Chandigarh


Subject: Acceptance of Invitation


Dear Nalini,

           Many thanks for inviting me to preside over the Inter-Zonal Declamation Competition to be held on 27th January 2023 at 9:30 a.m. I shall be highly delighted to attend the function and enjoy listening to the views of the thoughtful students. It will be kind of you if you could provide me with the official transport.


Yours truly

 Dr. Anant Gupta





B.       You are Mr. Raj Sood, Director, Physical Education, University of Delhi. You received an invitation to be the guest of honour for the Annual Sports Day at Swadesh School, August Road, Delhi to be held on 30th June, 202X. Write your reply, in not more than 50 words, expressing your inability to attend the function.





University of Delhi,

 New Delhi


20th June, 202X


The Sports Secretary,

 Swadesh School

August Road, New Delhi


Subject: Inability to Attend the Function



        I express my sincere thanks on being invited as the guest of honour on Annual Sports Day to be held on 30th June, 202X in your esteemed school. However, I regret to inform you that I would be unable to attend the function due to my prior professional commitments. Best wishes for the success of the program.


Yours sincerely

Raj Sood





2. INFORMAL LETTER OF INVITATION –An  informal invitation follows the ordinary pattern as used in personal letters. These type of invitation are written for inviting few people like friends and relatives on some informal gatherings or private occasions. (e.g., small birthday party or celebration). Informal invitations are written in the format of informal letter.




       Write in brief/Concise.

       The date of writing appears on the left hand side.

        Use first person 'T', 'we' and 'you' and avoid using 'he', 'she' and 'they'.

        Do not write the subject and the receiver's address.

        Write in warm and personalised style with relaxed and informal tone.

        Avoid writing unnecessary details. Begin with 'Dear'......... (Name)


6.      You are Tarun/Tanishka  of 23, Yojna Vihar, Delhi. Write an invitation to invite all your friends to the party you are giving to celebrate your selection in SRCC of Delhi University.

Yojna Vihar,

New Delhi

10th January, 202X


Dear Mayank,

               You will be glad to know that I have been selected for SRCC in Delhi University. I have much pleasure in inviting you to my post-selection party at my residence on 16th January, 202X at 7:30 p.m to join my family and friends this moments of joy. I shall look forward to meet you.


Yours affectionately,



7.      Write an invitation in not more than 50 words to your friend Meghali to spend her Summer Vacation with you in Gangtok. You are Puja/Puneet of 25, M.G. Road, Gangtok, Sikkim.

25, M.G. Road

Gangtok, Sikkim


15th May, 202X

Dear Meghali


         You have always wanted to visit Sikkim. As summers are approaching, I invite you to spend the summer break with me in my house in Gangtok. Summer is the perfect time for travelling, sightseeing and exploring the beauty of this lovely city. I am sure you will have a great time with me and my family. Looking forward to spending this vacations with you.


Yours affectionately





Informal replies should be informal in tone and may include personal feelings in intimate style.


       Write in brief.

       Acknowledge the invitation, express gratefulness.

       Write thanks in first person.

       Use second person to address the sender.

       Mention acceptance or regret (specify reason for not attending).

       Use friendly and informal language.

       Give ‘Best wishes’ in case of decline.

       Stick to word limit 50 words.




A.       You are Natasha, residing in Pune. Your cousin, from the same city is hosting your grandmothers eightieth birth anniversary and has extended an invite to you. He has also requested your assistance for arrangements needed. Draft a reply of acceptance in not more than 50 words.

Happiness Colony,



16th November 202X

Dear Rajveer,


        I am extremely excited to know that we are going to host our grandmother's eightieth birth anniversary. It is really a grand occasion for the family. I will be delighted to assist you in the arrangements by reaching two days in advance. I will not miss the celebrations for anything in the world.


Yours affectionately







B.      You are Bharti and you have been invited to the post-selection party of your friend Bhuvan. Write a reply regretting your inability to attend the same.

7-C, Yojna Vihar,


10th January, 202X

Dear Bhuvan,

     Many thanks for inviting me to attend your post-selection party, but I am sorry to say that I shall not be able to attend the same as I shall be out of station next week due to a prior family commitment. I shall miss this joyous occasion. I wish you all the best for the future. God bless you.


Yours Truly







  1. You are Ankit Verma. Your friend from Malaysia is staying in the hostel. Invite him to join Diwali celebrations with you at your residence.
  2. Rohit has got success in NEET Examination. He wants to celebrate his admission to Shivaji Medical College, Nagpur by throwing a party to his friends. Write an informal invitation giving details of venue, time and date. Do not exceed 50 words.
  3. You are a member of organizing committee of Sacred Heart Convent, Chandigarh. The school is organizing its annual function and the Education Minister of the state is going to be the Chief Guest. Design an invitation card to be sent to the invitees.
  4. Draft a formal reply expressing your inability to attend the inauguration of the showroom ‘Regalia’ on Sunday, the 20th of July 20XX, at 11 a.m. at B-12, Rohini. You are Navin Jain of C-5, G.K.J, New Delhi and your friend is G.L. Bansal of 23, Sunder Nagar, New Delhi.
  5. You are Akshya / Aakriti. You have been invited to participate in a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children’, organised by the Lions Club of your district. Respond to the invitation by writing a letter to the Secretary of the Club.













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