Writing skills for class XI & XII- Notice, Advertisement,Letter, Article, Report, Debate writing...



11 & 12










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Topics – Class - XI – English Core For session 2023-24

1. Note Making- 5 Marks

 2. Summarizing - 3 Marks  

3. Poster making- 3 Marks 

                4. Classified Advertisements-3 Marks

5. Speech writing - 5 Marks

6. Debate writing5 Marks


 Topics – Class - XII – English Core For session 2023-24

1. Notice writing- 4 Marks

        .           2. Formal/Informal Invitation and Reply - 4 Marks 

       3.  Letters to the editor (giving suggestions/opinions on an issue) Provide realistic context in the form of newspaper report/article to which the students may respond. 


                   ● Application for a job with a bio-data or resume  - 5 Marks 

            4.  Article & Report Writing - 5 Marks 



Tips to prepare Notes:

1. Prepare notes using phrases only, never use complete sentences

2. The topic sentence of each paragraph is the main point and ideas affiliated to it are Sub points- one or more, depending on the concepts in the paragraph.

3. Each sub-point may or may not have supplementary ideas which become sub-sub points.

4. Provide an appropriate title for the notes or the summary or abstract, as given in the question.

5. Include a minimum of 4-6 distinctly different recognizable short forms i.e. abbreviations of the words in the notes.

6. Cover all the important points in the notes meaningfully to prepare the abstract/summary in about 80-100 words.

7. Write the summary or abstract in complete sentences in a paragraph.


All similar level points should maintain the same distance from the margin.

Left hand margin heading

Ø  Write the heading/title in block letters.

Ø  Underline the heading/title.

Ø  Do not give a one-word title.

For Example, the title of a passage on “Darwinism” could be Need For Universal


A. Main Point

1. Sub-points

1.1 Follow the indented format

1.2 Don’t write complete sentences

1.3 Use abbreviations and symbols where required.

1.4 Notes should not be very long.

1.5 …………………………..

1.5.1 Sub-sub-sub point

1.5.2 Sub-sub-sub-point

2. Sub-point

2.1 Sub-sub point

2.2 Sub-sub point

B. Main point …..


Different kinds of formats may be used, depending on the theme of the passage.


Mixed Indent with Examples

A. Reasons

1. can’t remember much information’ without writing

2. help mem – exams

3. can consult

B. Characteristics

1. short

2. main pts only

3. note form

(i) no complete sent

(ii) divs and sub-divs

(iii) use of abbreviation and symbols

4. understandable


Indented Roman Numerals

A. Reasons

i. can’t discover information without knowing

ii. help remember- points through notes

iii. can consult

B. Characteristics

I. Short

II. Main points only

III. Note form

(i) No complete sentences

(ii) divs and sub-divs

(iii) use of abbreviation and symbols

IV. understandable


Indented Decimals

A. Reasons

1.1 can’t remember much information without writing

1.2 help mem-exams

1.3 can consult

B. Characteristics

2.1 short

2.2 main points only

2.3 note form

2.3.1 No complete sentences

2.3.2 divs and sub-divs

2.3.3 use of abbreviation  and symbols

2.4 understandable

Abbreviations Words

Abbr abbreviation

avt aviation

fmly family

pnt point

engr engineer


Use standard abbreviation and symbols as far as practicable

a. First letters of names must be capitalized.

e.g., USA, Darwin, Mumbai etc.

b. Common abbreviations should be used.

e.g., sc for science, Mr, Mrs, Dr, Govt, etc.

c. Common symbols should be used.

e.g., +ve, -ve, -(approaches), (rising), (falling).

=(equal), = (equivalent), etc.

d. Figures should be used in measurements.

e.g., 100kg, 1000mm, 100ml, 100’, 10” etc.

e. When making your own abbreviations, try to keep the main sounds of the word.

e.g., edn for education, ddvlpt for development

f. Retain the suffix, so that when you are going over the notes later, you may

understand the full form of the abbreviation.

e.g., ednl (educational), progve(progressive).

g. As a general rule, headings should not be abbreviated. You can use

abbreviations in main points, sub-points etc.

h. Ideally, you do not require more than 4-5 words to be abbreviated in a passage

besides the common abbreviations.

Some Common Abbreviations



Ø  Read (First Read) Read the passage very carefully and critically. Read the passage straight through. Do not stop to look up anything that gives you trouble at the first reading.You should get a feel for the author’s tone, style and main idea.

Ø  Reread (Second Read) Rereading should be active reading. Underline the topic sentences and key facts with pencil.

Ø  Label the areas that you want to refer to as you write your summary. Also label the areas that you find irrelevant. Identify areas that you do not understand and try to clarify those points.

Ø  One Sentence at a time Now write the main idea of each paragraph in one well developed sentence. Make sure that what include in your sentence are key points, not minor details.

Ø  Write a Thesis Statement The key to a well-written summary is the Thesis Statement. A quality Thesis Statement could either express one main idea or assert your conclusions about the subject.

Ø  Generally, a thesis statement consists of the following parts

Ø  a clearly identifiable topic or subject matter, and

Ø  a succinct summary of what you have to say about that topic.

Ø  Ready to Write You can use Thesis Statement as the introductory sentence of your summary, while your other sentences can make up the body.

In fact, a good summary should give ideas, facts or points in the order in which they are given in the original text.

Add some transition words such as then, however, also, moreover etc, that help with the overall structure and flow of the summary.

The following tips will help you to write a good summary

i) Write in the present tense (preferably in active voice).

ii) Be Concise summary should be within the words limit (about 80 words) and should be coherent without any errors in logic. Don’t put your opinions, ideas or interpretations into the summary.

Check for Accuracy Reread your summary and make sure that you have accurately represented the author’s ideas and key points. Make sure that your summary does not contain your own comments.

Revise Revise your summary for style, grammar and punctuation. Correct all the errors in composition and rewrite it if needed.




1. On a serious level, when was the last time you remember keeping your emotions solely to yourself, when a disaster struck? Or was averted? Agreed, humans are social beings who need feedback based on their social interactions. But, in today’s times, where people-men and women alike-thrive on social approval, it feels like your happiness is on a leash depend on social media, or society at large. A person could possibly go to any extent to seek attention. Lying, cheating, manipulating, constantly blabbing or being intentionally silent, are

all a part of the process to be the centre of attention. Everyone want to be liked and be popular. Attention gives a pleasurable high and does wonderful thing to one’s ego and self-worth It is when to seeking exceeds normalcy that the trouble begins. Both too much of attention and the lack of it are obvious signs of trouble.

2. Also known as Histrionic Personality Disorder, attention-seeking is an attempt to desperately attract the attention of other people, typically by disruptive or excessively extrovert behavior. To find an attention-seeker around you, look for someone who says, “I want to kill myself,” after a mere bad day at work, or simply throws a tantrum for not being given enough time. Taking on the role of a victim or a damsel-in-distress is a typical trait of an attention-seeker. Simply put, attention-seekers are the drama queens we come across frequently in our life. According to clinical psychiatrist, Dr Harish Shetty, from Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai, “Attention-seeking is not exactly a disorder. We all want approval in some way or the other from the people we are around with. It massages our ego and therefore, has a feel-good factor to it. Seeking approval enhances our identity.” He explains how attention seeking ,if casual, can be encouraging, “but once out of control, if the persons’ obsession set sin, the trouble that follows ruins a person’s relationships and eventually their peace of mind.”

3. Attention-seeking generally happens in a large magnitude to people who blame others. The blaming is a type of coping mechanism the attention-mongers feel is essential to justify the mistakes they refuse to own up to. Dr. Shetty elaborates, “People who are narcissistic will seek attention in a larger than life manner like dramatizing even the smallest of things that happens to them. Also, adults who have been spoilt as children will have a lesser sense of responsibility towards other as well as themselves, so are more likely to be narcissistic.” This behaviour can be seen in adults who have had an unpleasant past, i.e. they have been ignored, neglected bullied, or abused in may way before. They gradually start becoming addicted to it. They think making up for all the years of unfairness they have faced as a child  is best done by seeking attention. They pre-teen years are extremely significant as they mould the child he or she is to become when they fully grow up. Frustration, anger, and disturbing relationships ensue if there is an excess of this behavior. The person can also grow to be extremely anxious and develop an nervous anxiety. Dr. Shetty adds, “Mostly seen in kids, this behavior generally tends to die out with age. But as adults, people suffering from a terminal illness, ones who have faced a huge loss in business, break-ups or divorces, also portrary such behavior. If not handled with maturity, it worsens. But, when someone faces a challenge, they think they are incapable of handling, it can amplify uneasiness in them and they resort to playing the victim all the time. A lot of other causes, however are varied and highly subjective.”

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary – minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it. 5



1. Crave Attentn.

1.1 keeping your emotions

1.2 need feedback on social interactn.

1.3 thrive social approval

2. Extent to Seek Attentn.

2.1 lyng.

2.2 cheatng.

2.3 manpul.

2.4 constantly blabbng. or being intentionally silent

3. What exactly is attentn. seeking?

3.1 attempt to desperately attract the attentn.

3.2 person’s obsession sets in

3.3 want approval in some way or the other

3.4 massages our ego, has a feel good factor

4. Once out of control

4.1 ruins a person’s relationship and peace of mind

4.2 person grows anxious

5. Why it happens?

5.1 blame others

5.2 likely to be narcissistic

5.3 had an unpleasant past


Key to Abbreviation

1. attentn. - attention

2. interactn. - interaction

3. lyng. - lying

4. cheating. - cheating

5. manpul. - manipulating

6. & - and

7. blabbng. - blabbing

(b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80 words. 3

Everyone wants to be liked and be popular. Attention gives a pleasurable high and does a wonderful thing to one’s ego and self-worth. It is when the seeking exceeds normally that the trouble begins. Both too much of attention and the lack of it are obvious signs of trouble. Also known as Histrionic Personality Disorder, it attracts the attention of other people, typically by disruptive or excessively extrovert behaviour. But once out of control, if the person’s obsession sets in, the trouble that follows ruins a person’s relationships and eventually their peace of mind. This behaviour can be seen in adults who have had led an unpleasant past i.e.

they have been ignored, neglected, bullied or abused in many ways before. If not handled with maturity, it worsens. Instead of ridiculing the person, they should be sympathized with and treated with compassion.




Read the passage carefully.

1. Pre- colonial history of Bengal is closely linked with the emergence, growth and decline of Murshidabad. It has governed all the proceedings of the 18th century eastern India and provided the platform from which the colonial interests had launched themselves and subsequently became an imperial power in 1857.

2. It is quite obvious that such a socio- political stage has enormous potential to engage any visitor from far and wide through its myriad cultural landscape. A seat of power of such a scale attracts lot of wealth, creativity and activity. For example the annual revenue of Bengal paid to the Mughal Emperor amounts to One Crore Sicca Taka-in early seventeenth century was an unbelievable amount. In a cunning strategy move, Murshidkuli Khan shifted the administrative power centre of Bengal to the Bank of Bhagirathi- the prime life force of North India and almost in the geographic centre of the province in 1701.

3. One primary policy decision triggered series of subsequent events. Sensing the potential for enhanced financial opportunity, trading community from 'Nagore' town in the Rajput State of Jodhpur migrated to Bengal. They settled in the areas of Mahimapur, Jyaganj and Azimganj and got themselves known as 'Shaherwali Community'. Over the years the accumulated enormous wealth and became an important factor governing the economy of Bengal. Mughal Emperor acknowledged their importance and had conferred the title 'Jagat Seth' (cashier of the world). Jainism spread rapidly with the prosperity of the community in the localities of Azimganj, Jiyaganj and Katgola. While Murshidabad was being built according to the Muslim traditions, Hindu philosophies governed the development of the Jiyaganj, Azimganj.

4. In fact four of the important Jain Tirths in Bengal, three lies at Azimganj- Shree Chintamoni Parswanath Bhagwan, Jiyaganj- Shree Sambhavnath Bhagwan, Katgola-Shree Adinath Bhagwan.

5. The large havellis, mansions, palaces, gardens lay neglected and weathered. It draws today certain amount of History, cultural enthusiast and that too on a day visit. Whereas its enormous potential for cultural tourism and pilgrimage remained unexplored. Its old trade links and networks also lay dormant for the want of sponsors.

6. The circuit of Mushidabad-Jiyaganj-Azimganj is just waiting for the right kind of initiative and public support for its revitalization. Cultural tourism appears to be the right catalyst to trigger such an initiative.

7. No tourism initiative is sustainable unless it gains the support of its local community. Community initiatives are best when it rides on the pride for themselves and have a deep  rooted attachment for the place. Fortunately the Shaherwali Community have a very strong social network bonded by the common religion of Jainism. They are very proud of their legacy and command large parcels of land Heritage buildings, artefacts and are quite committed for its restoration. Being mainly a trader's community they value their assets and understand the need for its conservation. To them assistance of any kind is important and they also realises that unless they obtain public support their individual effort is not sustainable.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary – minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it. 5

TITLE: Bengal- Heritage Unparalleled


I. Emergence, Growth and Decline of Murshidabad

1. Imperial power proceedings

1.1 govrnd the proceedngs of the 18th century

2. Enormous otential

2.1 through its myriad cultural landscape

2.2 power attracts wealth, creativity and activity

3. Cunning strategical move

3.1.Murshidkuli Khan shifted power to Bank of Bhagirathi.

II. Sensing Potential for enhance

1. Financial & trading opportunities

1.1 attracts tradng community

1.2 Nagore town

III. Spread of Jainism

1. Shaherwali Community

1.1 strong social network

1.2 proud of legacy

1.3 enormous potential for cultural tourism and pilgrimage

1.4 deep rooted and attchmt.

2. Proud of legacy

2.1 heritage buildng.

2.2 artefacts

2.3 quite committed for restoration

3. Need of consvrtn.

3.1 obtain public support

3.2 individual effort not sustainable

Key to Abbreviation

1. proceedngs - proceedings

2. govrnd - governed

3. enhancemnt - enhancement

4. attachment - attachment

5. restoratn - restoration

6. buildng. - building

7. & - and

8. Consvrtn - conservation

(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. 3

Pre-colonial history of Bengal is closely linked with the emergence, growth and decline of Murshidabad. It is quite obvious that such a socio- political stage has enormous potential. In a cunning strategical move Murshidkuli Khan shifted the administrative power centre from Bengal to Bank of Bhagirathi. Over the years they accumulated enormous wealth and became an important factor governing the economy of Bengal. Mughal Emperor acknowledged their importance. Jainism spread rapidly with the prosperity of the community. Its enormous potential for cultural tourism and pilgrimage remained unexplored. Fortunately the Shaherwali Community have a strong social network bonded by the common religion of Jainism. Being mainly a trader's community they value the assets and understand the need for its conservation with public support.




Read the passage carefully.

1. A vast blanket of pollution stretching across South Asia is cutting down sunlight by 10 percent over India, damaging agriculture, modifying rainfall patterns and putting hundreds of thousands of people at risk, according to a new study.

2. The startling findings of scientists working with the United Nations Environment Programme indicate that the spectacular economic growth seen in this part of the world in the past decade may soon falter as a result of this pollution.

3. Research carried out in India indicates that the haze caused by pollution might be reducing winter rice harvests by as much as 10 percent, the report said.

4. “Acids in the haze may be falling as acid rain, have the potential to damage crops and trees. Ash falling on leaves can aggravate the impact of reduced sunlight on earth’s surface. The pollution that is forming the haze could be leading to several hundreds of thousands of premature deaths as a result of higher levels of respiratory diseases,” it said. Results from seven cities in India alone, including Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Kolkata, estimate that air pollution was annually responsible for 24,000 premature deaths in the early 1990s. By the mid-1990s they resulted in an estimated 37,000 premature fatalities.

5. “The haze has cut down sunlight over India by 10 percent (so far)—a huge amount! As a repercussion, the North West of India is drying up,” Prof. V. Ramanathan said, when asked specifically about the impact of the haze over India. Stating that sunlight was going down every year, he said, “We are still in the early stage of understanding of the impact of the haze.”

6. Asked whether the current drought in most parts of India after over a decade of good monsoon was owing to the haze, he said, “ It was too early to reach a conclusion. If the drought persists for about four to five years, then we should start suspecting that it may be because of the haze.”

7. India, China and Indonesia are the worst affected owing to their population density, economic growth and depleting forest cover. The preliminary results indicate the buildup of haze, a mass of ash, acid, aerosols and other particles is disrupting weather systems, including rainfall and wind patterns and triggering droughts in western parts of the Asian Continent. The concern is that the regional and global impacts of the haze are set to intensify over the next 30 years as the population of the Asian region rises to an estimated five billion people.


Key to Abbreviations

S - South

% - percent

UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme

Eco. - economic

N.W. - North- West

& - and

W - West

- because

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary – minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it. 5


Title: Global Impact of Pollution


1. Effects of pollution is S.E. Asia

1.1 cutting 10% sunlight over India

1.2 damaging agriculture

1.3 modifying rainfall pattern

1.4 many people at risk

2. Revelations of UNEP

2.1 eco. growth may falter of pollution

2.2 haze van cause premature deaths

2.3 acid rain can damage crops & trees

3. Impact of haze over India

3.1 rise in respiratory diseases

3.2 has cut down sunlight over India by 10%

3.3 N.W. India is drying up

4. Impact on India, China & Indonesia

4.1 worst affected of height density of population

4.2 affecting eco. growth

4.3 depleting forest cover

5. Its results

5.1 weather systems can be disrupted

5.2 wind patterns will be disturbed

5.3 can trigger droughts in W.Asian continent


(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. 3

The harmful effect of pollution can be seen across South Asia. This is most likely to falter the spectacular economic growth. The presence of acids in the haze can reduce winter harvest by ten percent. The pollution forming the haze can led to many premature deaths and has also cut down the sunlight over India by ten percent. The droughts in India could also be because of the haze . The worst affected countries are India, China and Indonesia because of their population density , economic growth and depleting forest cover. The main concern is that the regional and global impacts of haze are said to intensify over the next thirty years due to increase in population by five billion.



SECTION B (30 Marks)




The word advertisement means a public notice or an announcement asking for or offering services, advertising goods for buying or selling (property, household goods, vehicles) etc. Advertisements are also used for giving information about missing persons, pets, goods and so on. The written draft of an advertisement is termed as copy. Advertisement is a very important tool for promotion of sales and services

Advertisements are of two types :

1. Classified Advertisements

2. Commercial or Display Advertisements

Classified Advertisement

You will come across classified advertisements in the columns of newspapers and magazines. Important features of a Classified Advertisement are:

Ø  No blocks, no design and the language used should be factual.

Ø  Simple, formal and to the point.

Ø  Comprehensive, yet must not leave any important matter.

Ø  Never be too lengthy (confine to the word limit).


Ø  Advertisements should always be drafted in such a way that they attract the readers to go through them.

Ø  Advertisements should always be meaningful and interesting so that they can attract the attention of the readers.

Ø  Advertisements should always be simple and effective language.

Ø  Advertisements should always be brief and to the point.

Ø  The name of the advertiser and the advertised product should be properly highlighted.

Tip:- To develop expertise in drafting advertisements, students are advised to read classified advertisement column of leading newspapers.

Marking Scheme:

Format: Suitable heading/classification e.g., Situations Vacant.

Content: Subject matter including contact address, phone number.

Expression: Grammatical accuracy, spelling, suitable style.

There is penalty of marks for exceeding the word limit.


Important Tips To be followed

Classified Advertisements

Ø  Clearly state the category at the top, e.g., 'For Sale', 'To Let', etc.

Ø  Give all necessary details in points using commas.

Ø  Give contact address, name and telephone number.

Ø  Put the matter in a box.

Kinds of Classified Advertisements

1. Situation Vacant

2. Lost and found

3. Sale and Purchase

4. Accommodation Wanted

5. Educational

6. Placement services

7. Matrimonial

8. To Let

9. Tuitions

10. Packers and Movers

11. Kennel

12. Travels and Tours

1. Situation Vacant

Ø  Begin with ‘Wanted’ or ‘Required’

Ø  Name of the company, post and no. of vacancies

Ø  Age and sex of the candidate

Ø  Qualification and experience

Ø  Other details

Ø  Pay scale and perks

Ø  Mode of applying

Ø  Contact address and phone no.



Wanted a smart, confident PA/Stenographer for a leading export house. Qualification graduate, age 25-30 yrs, typing speed 40 w.p.m. Preference to those who can handle computer. Salary negotiable. Apply with complete Bio-data upto 15-12-2019 to Secretary, Orient Export House, M. H. Nagar, Chennai – 670001






2. Matrimonial

Ø  Mention groom / bridge groom

Ø  Height, age, caste, religion, complexion, educational qualifications

Ø  Phone number / Post Box no. and name of newspaper.

Bridegroom Wanted

Alliance invited for Ramgarhia, Sikh Girl 29/165, M. A. English, tall, fair & beautiful. Caste no bar. Send recent photo & biodata. Ph. 0497 – 2788330. Box No. 1015 – The Indian Express COCHIN – 650337



3. Lost and Found

Ø  Begin with ‘Lost ’ or ‘Found’

Ø  Specify item.

Ø  Brief physical description.

Ø  When / where lost or found.

Ø  Reward if any

Ø  Contact address and phone no.

Lost and Found

Lost a black coloured VIP suitcase model no 555, 38 x 30 contain important documents related marketing, left in bus no. DL-p 6778 on Delhi to Jaipur route on 10th August 2019. Kindly contact Purmal Singh Ph No. 9419284539



4. For Sale

Ø  For sale/purchase etc

Ø  Type of accommodation / vehicle /article / household items.

Ø  Brief physical description

Ø  Contact address & phone number.

Car for Sale

For sale Maruti 800 DX, 2000, white, sparingly used, scratch less, self driven, stereo-fitted, beautiful upholstery, excellent condition, no expense, rate Negotiable. Contact Amit Sharma , 25677900



5. To Let

Ø  Begin with ‘Wanted’ or ‘Available’

Ø  Type of accommodation

Ø  Brief description

Ø  Rent expected

Ø  Contact address & phone no.

To Let

Available on rent Anand Vihar Colony First Floor 2/3 bedroom, well furnished and ventilated, facing Park, car Parking, walking distance from main market. Reasonable rent. Contact. H. R. Meena 1A /23, Anand Vihar 278810017



6. Missing person/pet animals

Ø  Begin with ‘Missing’

Ø  Brief physical description;

Ø  For person- name, age, height complexion, built, clothes and other identifying features

Ø  For pet-name, age, colour of fur and other identifying feature

Ø  Since when/ from where missing

Ø  Reward

Ø  Contact address and phone no.

Missing Person

Missing a boy, Santosh Kumar, 15 years, 5’5”, fair slim built wearing black T-shirt and white pants, since 10th August 2019 from Kota railway station. Finder will be duly rewarded. Inform Kota police station phone no. 0744- 220010 or A.K. Sharma H.B road Kota phone no. 0744-220007.

7. Travels and Tour

Ø  Begin with ‘Package Available’ etc

Ø  Name of travel agency

Ø  Destination and duration

Ø  Details of package-food/ boarding/lodging/sightseeing etc

Ø  Cost and discount if any.

Ø  Contact address and phone no.

Travel and Tours

Attractive package available for Manali and Ooty, 5 nights/4 days, breakfast and dinner, stay at 5 star hotels, sight-seeing included. Rs 10000 per head. Special discount for booking till 10th November 2019. Contact Blue Star Travel and Tours. Chennai. 044-288000555



Display Advertisements:

Ø  These are designed for commercial purposes.

Ø  Require more space, hence are costly. Must be attractive with visuals, catchy phrases and slogans

Main features:

Ø  Must be attractive with a catchy caption, heading or sub-headings.

Ø  Figurative language (alliteration and metaphors especially).

Ø  Proportionate spacing of fonts with different sizes.

Ø  Usually attractive with catchy slogans, punch lines, witty expressions, pictures or sketches.

Ø  Special offers or discount, if any.

Ø  Details of the product or event given in a clear, precise way.

Ø  Give name, contact number and address of the advertiser.

Ø  Present the matter in a box.



Hurry !

Up to 50% discount

Shoes & slippers








Unsolved Examples:

Q.1 KV Ambassa in Dhalai requires cricket and hockey coaches. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words for the 'Situations Vacant' column of the 'Daily Herald', stating your requirements regarding age, qualification, experience etc. You are the Principal of the school.

Q.2 You plan to sell your flat. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words to be inserted in the classified columns of a local daily giving all necessary details of the flat. You are Neeraj/Neeraja, 28, Gopal Nagar, Agartala.

Q.3 You are Dr. Madhu , M.D. You are looking for an independent house in Agartalla on a reasonable rent for your residence-cum-clinic. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in Tripura Times, Tripura. Your telephone no. is12341234.

Q.4 You plan to sell your motorcycle. Daft a suitable advertisement , in not more than 50 words, to be published in the classified columns of 'The Hindustan Times', Delhi. Mention the details of the motorcycle. You are Ramesh of 15, Greater Kailash, New Delhi. Your mobile no. is 2849021624.

Q.5 You want to sell a few (4 items) household items as you are going to abroad. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in 'Dainik Bhaskar' under classified columns. You are Dinesh/Divya of Moti Ganj, Balia.



A Notice is a written or printed information or news announcement. Notices are either displayed at prominent places or published in newspapers/magazines. A notice is always brief and to the point.

Points to be followed while writing Notices-

Ø  Adhere to the specified word limit of 50 words.

Ø  Write the word ‘NOTICE’ at the top.

Ø  Name and place of the school, organization or office issuing the notice should bementioned.

Ø  Give an appropriate heading.

Ø  Write the date of issuing the notice.

Ø  Clearly mention the target group (for whom the notice is to be displayed).

Ø  Purpose of the notice.

Ø  Mention all relevant details (date, venue, time).

Ø  Mention whom to contact for extra information.

Ø  Signature, name and designation of the person issuing the notice.

Ø  Put the notice in a box.

Format of a Notice : A notice is always written in a box.

Word Limit : 50 words

Marks : 4 Marks

Format : Name of the organization/Notice/Heading/Date/Signature with name and Designation [1 Mark]

Content: For whom (Target group)?What? When? Where? Agenda etc. [2 Marks]

Expression: Coherence, spellings and grammatical accuracy [1 Mark]







Content : Target group- for whom the notice is. Date, time, venue and all important details and any extra information needed. (Body of the Notice 50 words)Answer the questions- For whom, what, when, where , when how, by whom + additional information.








Q.1 You are Amit/Amita, Head boy/Head girl of your school (Zenith Public School, Lucknow). Write a notice for your school notice board calling for entries from desirous students for Britannia Quiz Contest- Preliminary round to be held at your school. (Word limit- 50 words).




22 August, 2019


An Inter-School Britannia Quiz Contest will be held in Bhartiya Vidya Sadan, Lucknow on 15th  september, 2019. The preliminary round for the quiz will take place at our school. Entries are invited from the interested students of classes VI to XII. Their names should be given to Hardik in the Activity Room during the recess. The last date for receiving entries is 30th Aug, 2019.


(Head boy)



Q.2 You are Abhinav/Abha.. You have planned a 2-week course to be arranged to help the children of your Group Housing Society at Kanpur, acquire the oral communication skills. Prepare a notice for the society's notice board, stating the objective of the course, giving necessary details of the course and requesting the children of the society to join the course.




20 AUG, 2019


A 2-week course is to be arranged to provide a rare opportunity for the children aged between 8-14 years to polish up their oral communication skills. The course starts on 10th Sept,2019 under the able guidance of qualified and experienced instructors. The fee for the course is Rs 1500 per child and the timings are 3 pm to 6 pm (Monday to Saturday). The children who are interested may register themselves at the society office latest by 5th Sept,2019. For further details contact the undersigned.


(The Secretary)



Q.3 Sarvodaya Education Society, a charitable organisation is coming to your school to distribute books among the needy students. As Head Boy/Head Girl, Sunrise Public School, Surat, write a notice in about 50 words asking such students to drop the lists of books they need in the box kept outside the Principal's office. You are Navtej/Navita.




19TH AUGUST, 2019


Sarvodaya Education Society, a charitable organisation, is arranging to visit our school on 25th August, 2019 to distribute books among the needy students. This is to inform such students to drop the lists of books they need with their names written in the box, kept outside the Principal's office. The books will be handed over to the concerned students by the class teachers. For any queries contact the undersigned.


(Head Boy)



Q.4 Your club is going to organise an inter-class singing competition. Write a notice in about 50 words inviting names of the students who want to participate in it. Give all the necessary details. You are Navtej/Navita, Secretary, Music Club, Akash Public School, Agra.




20 AUGUST 2019


The Music Club of the school is going to organise an Inter- Class singing competition for the students of class VIII to XII on 20th September 20XX in the school auditorium. Songs could be folk, classical, light classical, even western. Those interested may give their names to the class teachers latest by 25th August 20XX. For further details contact the undersigned.



(Music Club)



Q.5 You are Sonia/ Sohan of Simon Public School, Meerut. Your school has decided to organise a cultural programme to raise funds for the victims of floods in Bihar. Draft a notice, in not more than 50 words, for your school notice board.




15 AUGUST, 2019


The school is organising a cultural programme to raise funds for the victims of recent floods in Bihar. The show will be held at 5 p.m. on 20th September 2019 in the school auditorium. The State Education Minister has concerned to be the Chief Guest. Entry will be by tickets. Do contribute as well to the cause generously.


(Head Boy)



Unsolved Examples

Q.1 As Librarian, Crescent International School, Gwalior, draft a notice in not more than 50 words asking all the students and teachers to return the library books they have borrowed, two days before the commencement of the examination.

Q.2 As Sports Secretary of G.D.G Public School, Pune, draft a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board informing the students about the sale of old sports goods of your school. You are Rohini/Rohit.

Q.3 You lost your wrist watch in your school auditorium. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board giving a detailed description of the watch. You are Anirudh/Arundhati of Class XII of Springfields School, Pune.

Q4 You are Saran/Swati, Cultural Secretary of Queen's Senior Secondary School, Patna. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board, giving details of the cultural programme to be organised by your school. Invite the names of the participants.

Q.5 You are the President of your colony's Residents Welfare Association. There will be no water supply on Saturday and Sunday in the colony due to repair work. Write a notice for the colony Notice Board informing the residents about the same, advising them to store water,

giving phone no. of water tankers.



A POSTER is a large notice announcing or advertising something. It generally creates social awareness about any problem or needs. It also conveys a social message in an eye catching way.

Format or Layout of a Poster:

i. Visually attractive.

ii. Catchy heading/title.

iii. Use a slogan or short verse.

iv. Use clauses.

v. Make sketches or matchstick figures.

vi. Use persuasive language.

vii. Theme should be clear.

viii. Word limit 50

ix. Tense form generally used is either present tense or future tense.

x. Name of the issuing authority or the organizes is a must.

Marking Scheme: 4 Marks

1. Content - 2 Marks

2. Expression- 2 Marks



1. Your school Shardha Vidyalaya is organizing a cultural evening to collect funds for slum children. The Human Resources Development Minister has consented to be the Chief Guest. Draft a poster to be displayed in different areas of your locality. You are the cultural secretary of your school.


Shardha Vidyalaya, Ajmer

is organizing a


to collect funds for


on 11th March, 6:30 pm

Hon’ble H.R.D. Minister,

Sh. K. Ravi

will be the Chief Guest

Attractions :

Dance-Drama by school children

Songs & Dances by TV stars

Poetic Recitations

Magic Shows

Venue : Shardha Vidyalaya’s Auditorium



ADULTS : 20/-






2. Design a poster for promoting good health through ‘Health Mela’.


is arranging a

Health Mela

for promoting good health


Nehru Stadium

from 10th March to 20th March

(9 am to 10 pm)



Health Conscious people

Special Attractions :

Display of new health- machines

New Exercisers & Weight Reducers

Latest Health-Wears

Ayurvedic Massage

Herbs for Health & Beauty

Foods for Health & Taste



Entry by Tickets

Adults : 20/-

Students : 5/-

Triputhi Health Club




3. Design a poster in not more than 50 words for your school library on the value of books and good reading habits. You may use slogans.



Develop a reading habit. Know more about

people and places. Enter the world of books.


for books on :

Ø   Science

Ø  Literature

Ø   Fine Arts

Ø  Commerce

Ø  Biographies

Ø  Sports

Ø  Remember !




4. Recent rains have caused havoc in some parts of our country. You are Surya, a member of the social service organization, SEVA MANDIR, Ahmedabad. Draft a poster requesting people to help the rain and flood affected families physically and economically.


Mahatma Gandhi Road, Ahmedabad

calls upon the people to






Old clothes


Baby foods

Dry milk








5. Your company is launching a new range of shoes for children next month. Draft an attractive poster which can be displayed on all the market areas of your town to promote its sale. Do not forget to mention the speciality of these shoes.


is launching next month, a new range of


(from one month to 10 years)




Best leather

Comfortable soles &heels

Stylish laces

Latest design/frame

Affordable prices

Little Masters : 475/- per pair

Juniors : 400/- per pair





INVITATION: To invite someone for an occasion, we use the written form of INVITATION.

Invitations are generally printed cards through which we invite our guests on some auspicious occasions like wedding, birthday , wedding anniversary, house warming, inauguration of a shop/factory, etc.

Invitations are of two types:



These can be printed on cards or can be drafted in the form of letters.

Main Characteristics:

An invitation contains complete information. It answers the questions: who, whom, when, where, what time and for what. The important components of an invitation, therefore, are:


Name(s) of the invitee(s)

Name(s) of the host(s)

Date, time and venue

Name(s) of the chief guest or special invitees, in case of an official invitation.

Format of Formal Invitations

In case of formal invitations, each of the following is written in a separate line with fonts of

varying sizes.

Names of the hosts

Name of the invitee (in case of a formal letter of invitation)

Formal phrase of invitation, for example:

a. Request the pleasure your benign presence/company

b. Seek your auspicious presence

c. Solicit your gracious presence on the auspicious occasion

Date, time and venue of the event.

Occasion/reason of the invitation.

Marking Scheme:

Word Limit : 50 Words

Marks : 4 Marks


Format [1 mark]

Content relevance- Name of the person(s) who is inviting, the invitee, day, date, chief guest, occasion, etc. [2 Marks]

Expression: Grammatical accuracy, language [1 Mark]

Characteristics of Formal Invitations:

1. Meant for a lot of invitees:

These are written in the third person.

In case a VIP is invited as the chief guest, the name of the VIP must appear prominently.

 Name of the invitee is not to be included. The addressee's address is to be written only

on the envelope.

Simple present tense is to be used.

The date of writing is not to be given.

There is no signature of the host.

The abbreviation RSVP (French: Répondez S’il Vous Plaît) i.e., 'Please reply' is written below on the left side with name(s), address and phone number of the host(s).

Put the invitation into a box.

Do not exceed 50 words.

2. Meant for an individual (a formal letter of invitation)

Include the name of the invitee.

These are to be written on run-on lines. The sentence is not broken into different words/phrases.

Other details are similar to mass-scale invitations.

Writing Informal Invitation


Written in a letter form, in informal format. Such letters are very persuasive in nature.

Written in the first person.

Salutation is 'Dear+name'.

Complimentary close 'Yours sincerely '.

Date of writing the invitation is given.

Sender's address appears on the left hand side.

Various tenses used to suit the sense.

REPLIES: Accepting or Denying

Formal: Follow a set formula

formula words: 'kind invitation', 'great pleasure', 'regret', etc.

Use third person ('they') instead of first person ('I', 'We')

Address of the writer and the date to be written.


Accepting or Denying

Like an ordinary letter

Do not use any formal expressions, but use informal words and expressions.

Use first person ('I', 'We').




1. Draft an invitation on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Tarla of 21 Sector-14, Bhopal, which they may use to invite their friends and relatives on the birth anniversary of their son Neeraj at their residence on August 16, 2019.


Mr. and Mrs. Tarla

request the pleasure of your benign presence

on the auspicious occasion of the



their son


at their residence

21, Sector-14, Bhopal

at 3.30 p.m.


August 16, 2019



Mr. and Mrs. Tarla



2. You are a student of Neelgiri public school, Ooty. The school is holding its annual function. Write an invitation on behalf of the Principal of your school inviting the important persons of the town to attend the function to be held on August 17, 2019 at 10.00am.


The Principal and the staff




request your benign presence

on the auspicious occasion



of the school

at 10.00 am on August17, 2019

Shri R.K. Shriniwasan, I.A.S.

will be the Chief Guest and will give away the prizes to the students.








1. Your parents have completed 50 years of happy married life. Send an informal invitation to your uncle, residing in Salem, to join you in the Golden- Jubilee celebration of their marriage at your house.

Answer -

20 L Raja Gardens


10 April 2019


Respected Uncle

With God’s grace I am fortunate to see the most momentous day of my life. My parents have completed 50 years of their happy and prosperous married life. We are going to celebrate the Golden-Jubilee of their married life on 25th of April, 2019. It will be a simple ceremony. Only family-members and close friends are invited. Do join us on this auspicious day.


Yours sincerely

Y.S. Ranganathan

2. Invite your class-fellow and friend on the wedding of your elder brother.

Answer -

16 Civil Lines

New Delhi

20th August 2019


Dear Lim

I invite you on the wedding of my elder brother Ramesh on 25th of August 2019. Please join us at lunch at 1 p.m. The marriage party will leave for Hotel Ranjeet, New Delhi exactly at 6 p.m. Kindly join us on the auspicious day and oblige.

S. Angami



1. You are Akshya/ Aakriti. You have been invited to participate in a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children,’ organized by a Lions Club of your district. Respond to the invitation by writing a letter to the secretary of the club.


10 Mount Road



10th September 2019


Th Secretary

Lions Club

Mount Road


Sub : Inability to accept the invitation


Thanks for inviting me to participate in a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children’. I feel honoured and obliged. However, I shall not be able to accept your invitation. Some unavoidable previous engagements keep me tied down to my place on that day.

Thanking you once again for your kind invitation.

Yours faithfully


2. You are Arun/Aruna. You have been invited to attend the wedding of your friend’s sister during summer vacation. Respond to the invitation accepting the invitation.


15 Nilkanteshwar Road



10th March 2019


Dear Anand

I am indeed thankful to you for inviting me to attend the wedding of your elder sister Saroj. It is an auspicious occasion both for me and your family. I shall come a day before the wedding day. I shall definitely lend a helping hand in making preparations for the marriage.

Yours sincerely



Unsolved Examples :

Q.1. The literacy club of your school is putting up the play 'Waiting for Godot'. As a secretary of the club, draft an invitation inviting the famous writer Sudeesh Gupta to be the guest of honour at the function. Write the invitation in not more than 50 words. You are Govind/ Gauri.

Q.2 You friend, Manish Tripathi has invited you to attend his wedding anniversary. You cannot attend it as you have a family get-together on the same day. Write a polite letter, in not more than 50 words, expressing your inability to attend the function and wish him all the happiness on this joyous occasion. You are Mita/Mahendra Juneja of 5, Vasundra Colony, Patna.

Q.3 As secretary of the literacy club of St Anne's School, Ahmedabad, draft a formal invitation in not more than 50 words for the inauguration of the club in your school.

Q.4 You have received an invitation to attend the prize giving ceremony on the occasion of the Regional Social Science Exhibition. Respond to the invitation, informing the secretary of 'The World View' (the organiser of the exhibition), about your inability to attend the programme.

Q.5 You have opened a restaurant in Uppal Road, Hyderabad. Draft an invitation for the inauguration of the same, specifying the chief guest and other important details like date, time and venue. Do not exceed 50 words.



The most common form of a written communication is the letter. Letters should have a format that goes with the latest conventions.

Types of Letters:

Informal Letters- These are letters written to close associates.

Formal Letters- These are:

a. Business or Official letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies).

b. Letters to the editor(giving suggestions on an issue).

c. Application for a job.

Points to remember while drafting letters:

Write the letter in full block format (i.e., to the left).

State your reason for writing in the first paragraph and stay on track.

Always include specifics that will help ease the recipient’s task. For instance, if you are writing to a bank, mention your account number.

If you refer to other correspondence, quote date of the letter(s), reference numbers, file numbers, order numbers, cheque number with date. Include copies, whenever possible.

Gently and respectfully direct the recipient’s course of action.

It may be strongly worded, but always be courteous and use polite language and pleasant tone.

Self-introduction should be avoided.

Informal expressions, greetings or contracted forms of words should not be used.

The language should be simple, straight forward and to the point.

Leave a line/additional space between paragraphs since no indentation is followed.

Open punctuation to be followed (no punctuation marks to be used).

Do not mix up the old format and the new format.

In letters to the Editor: Do not ask the editor to solve the problems.

In job application letters, Curriculum Vitae (CV)/ Bio-data/ Resume should be written. It should not be included in the body of the letter but after the complimentary close, as an enclosure.

In the letter to the Editor, use ‘yours truly’ or ‘yours sincerely’, as the complimentary close.



Making enquiries/ asking for information

Replying to enquiries/giving information

Placing orders and sending replies

Cancelling Orders

Letters registering complaints

2. Official Letters

Registering Complaints

Making Enquiries

Making request/appeal

3. Letters to the Editor

Giving suggestions on issues of public interest.

Expressing views on an issue already raised in an article/ write-up/in a published letter.

4. Letters of Job Application

Application for a job



Sender's Address :


Devi Enclave

Raj Ram Marg



Date : 24 July 20XX


Address of the Addressee:

The Director//Mr/Mrs

Global Enterprises,

8th cross, Victoria Layout,



Subject : .................................................................


Salutation: Sir



Introduction :

Body :

Conclusion :



Yours faithfully:

Name :



Marking Scheme:

Word Limit : 120-150 words

Marks : 6 Marks

Format: Proper Layout- Sender's address, Date, Receiver’s address Subject, Salutation, Complimentary close. 1 Mark

Content: Relevant ideas to be presented in a coherent way. Use connectors appropriately, divide into paragraphs. There should be minimum three paragraphs. 3 Marks

Expression: Grammatical accuracy, spellings 2 Marks

No marks will be given for the format if the content is wrong.








1. Enquiry -

You are Megh/Maya of class XII of St Peter’s School, Pitampura, Delhi. Write a letter to the Manager of Book World, RK Puram, New Delhi, inquiring about the availability of a few books you need for your school library. Write as the secretary of your school library.

St Peter’s School


New Delhi-110088


17th October, 2019


The Manager

Book World

A-14, Sector1

RK Puram

New Delhi-110045


Subject : Enquiry Regarding Availability of Books


We are in need of some books for our school library. I wish to inquire if these books are available at your prestigious store.

We would like to purchase ten copies of each of the following books

1. English Class XII

2. Maths Class XII

3. Physics Class XII

4. History Class XII

5. Economics Class XII

6. Chemistry Class XII

All these books are the prescribed textbooks for CBSE published by NCERT.

Kindly reply as soon as possible at the above address. Also please send the latest catalogue mentioning new arrivals and discounts extended.


Thanking You


Yours sincerely

Megh Chandra

Secretary, School Library


2. Complaint -

You are Bhavik/Bhawna of class XII of Tejas International School, Vijay Nagar Bulandshahar. Write a letter to the Manager of the Sports Store, Meerut, complaining about the defective stop watches you purchased from their store. Write as the Sports Secretary of your school.


Tejas International School

Vijay Nagar

Bulandshahar – 121301


15th October, 2019


The Manager

Sports Store

A-27, Abu Lane


Subject : Defective Stop Watches Purchased on 13th October, 2019



I am writing this to express my extreme displeasure at the quality of the watches we purchased from your store two days ago. As soon as we reached the school and opened the packet, we realized two of the four

watches purchased were not working. The third one has started giving trouble since yesterday. The button to stop is quite stiff. Obviously, we are deeply disappointed at this purchase. Our school’s sports meet is next

week, and these watches were needed urgently. The watches were not checked thoroughly on the day of purchase, but your salesman had advised me that they were brand new pieces.

I hope that you will either replace them or repair them satisfactorily.


Yours Sincerely


Sports Secretary


3. Placing an Order -

You are the Sports Secretary of Jagjiwan Memorial School, Patparganj, Delhi. You need a few items for the Annual Sports Meet to be held in your school. Write a letter to Vats Sports Company placing orders for the items.


Jagjiwan Memorial School

12/100, Patparganj



25th July, 2019


The Proprietor

Vats Sports Company

23 Hapur Road



Subject : Order for Sports Goods


We are placing an order for the following goods required at the Annual Sports Meet of the school scheduled for 5th August, 2019.


1. Stop watches - 12 pieces

2. Hockey sticks - 28 pieces

3. Footballs - 12 pieces

4. Cricket bats - 10 pieces

5. Cricket balls-  6 pieces

 The prices of the items should be the same as in the previous supplied to us.

Kindly arrange to supply the goods by the end of this month. Also please ensure that the goods send are of the best quality and packed properly to avoid any transit damage. Payment shall be made soon after receipt of the goods. Damage goods or goods of inferior quality will not be accepted, nor any payment for the same

will be made.

We seek your cooperation in the regard.


Yours truly

(Shrish Sharma)

Sports Secretary


4. Reply to ‘Placing an Order –

You are the Manager of the Vats Sports Company. Write a reply to the above letter giving the information regarding delay in supply of some items.


Vats Sports Company

23, Hapur Road


Ref No.- SG/258/2019


28th July, 2019


The Sports Secretary

Jagjiwan Memorial School

12/100, Patparganj



Subject : Delay in delivery of some items against your order dated 25th July, 2019


With reference to your above order, we regret that two of the goods you had ordered, i.e. football and cricket bats, are presently not in the stock. However, we shall be receiving these items in a couple of days’ time. This would delay the delivery of the goods by just two days. All the goods will be delivered to you by 2nd August, 2019. The inconvenience caused is regretted.

Please be assured about the quality and excellent packing of the goods.

Your truly

Rajat Jain





1. You are Anuj Mittal. Write a letter to the General Manager of BSNL requesting him to send you the list of phone calls made from your phone.


11, sector 3

Rajendra Nagar



10th June, 2019


The General Manager

Ghaziabad Telephone Exchange




Subject : Request for List of Telephone Calls


I am a resident of Rajendra Nagar, Ghaziabad. The phone number 0120-2265298 has been installed in my name at my residence, 11, Sector 3, Rajendra Nagar, Ghaziabad-211010.

I have not been receiving the list of phone calls made along with the bill sent to me every month. I am enclosing a copy of the last bill. I request you to kindly resume the said service to me.

I shall be grateful if you make this facility available to me at the earliest.

Yours sincerely

Anuj Mittal

Encl. Copy of the bill (paid) for the last month.




1. Recently you travelled from Bengaluru City to Vasco aboard the Vasco Express. To your dismay, you found that the coach was infested with cockroaches. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Hindu’ drawing the attention of General Manager, Southern Railway, to the prevailing unhygienic conditions and asking for remedial action. You are Saroj/Saran, 5/31 Bengaluru Cantt, Bangaluru.


5/31, Bengaluru Cantt,



1st March, 2019


The Editor

The Hindu



Subject : Prevailing unhygienic conditions in Southern Railway


Through the columns of esteemed daily, I wish to draw the attention of the General Manager, Southern Railway and the concerned authorities towards the prevailing unhygienic conditions in the trains and on platforms.

Recently when I was travelling from Bengaluru City to Vasco on the Vasco Express, I found that the coach was infested with cockroaches. Further observations revealed that all the coaches not only had cockroach infestation but also a rodent problem. Seeing all this was pretty much disgusting. It was hard to sit while watching the cockroaches and rodents running here and there. Moreover, the toilets on the train and on the platforms were not clean. Foreign tourists travelling with us were very disappointed. The unhygienic conditions need to be checked soon before they become a nuisance. I request you to take a note of the situation and take some remedial action.


Thanking you

Yours sincerely



2. After passing the secondary school examination, a candidate has to make a very difficult choice from a number of streams available to him for further study at the senior school level. There is no valid mechanism to assess the suitability of a candidate for a particular stream. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily emphasizing the need of educational counsellors for guidance in this matter in each school. You are Vinita/Vinay, 48, Agra Fort, Agra.


48, Agra Fort



9th March, 2019


The Editor

The Times of India



Subject : Need of Educational Counsellors


Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to bring to notice the dilemma that every student is confronted with while appearing for the secondary school examination. After passing this examination, a student has to make a difficult choice from a number of streams available to him for further study at the senior school level.

Students appear to be totally helpless and sometimes even end up selecting the wrong choice of subjects, which they regret later. As there is no valid mechanism to assess the suitability of a candidate for a particular pressure, without realizing their own capabilities. Hence, I feel that there is a need of educational counsellors for guidance that can show the students the right path.

Educational counsellors can help the students to bring out their hidden qualities. So, they need to be present in every school. Schools can also have career counselling workshops for the students on a regular basis. Parents and teachers can also play a very important role in shaping the young minds.


Thanking You

Yours sincerely



3. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on reckless driving.


No, 7, ABC Colony,



14th March, 2019


The Editor

The Hindustan Times

New Delhi-110001


Subject : Reckless Driving


It is high time that proper steps are taken to put a stop to the reckless driving of cars in the narrow streets of our thickly populated city. Only yesterday a poor beggar very narrowly escaped being hit while crossing the street when a car came dashing along at a speed of about ninety kilometer an hour. Such reckless driving causes fatal accidents to pedestrians crossing the roads.

It is true that regulations regarding the speed limit do exist. Bu t unless the police is strict in enforcing them, what do the drivers care? The police seems to take little or no notice of offenders. Consequently, car accidents are almost a daily occurrence.

I hope the police, the worst sufferer, will bring pressure to bear upon the police to put a stop to reckless driving before we have any more deaths due to accidents.


Yours truly

Sunil Singh


4. You are Nita Sharma, residing at A-406, Vasundhra Apartments, Ghaziabad. You are disturbed to watch the portrayal of women in TV serials. Write a letter to the Editor, The Times of India, BSJ Marg, New Delhi, expressing your views on the issue.


A-406, Vasundhra Apartments



14th December, 2019


The Editor

The Times of India

BSJ, Marg

New Delhi-110002

Subject : Skewed portrayal of women in TV serials


I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the skewed portrayal of women in TV serials. Most of the TV channels telecast family soaps which do not show women in proper light. A woman is either Kaikeyi or Sita.

The serials advocate values which are against basic Indian culture. There is no respect for values in these serials. The women are being portrayed as a house breaker, conspirator or vamp. The Indian women, known for her kindness, tolerance and sacrifices, is being portrayed as just the opposite.

I am of the opinion that the content of TV serials should be regulated and put under observation. This is the right time to check the trend before the image of the Indian woman is tarnished.


Yours truly

Nita Sharma


5. A part of Rajasthan and Delhi recently witnessed violence during a demonstration by a particular class of society over the issue of reservation. Violence has become a routine affair in India. You feel that people resort to violence as a last resort when there basic demands are not addressed. Write a letter to the Editor, The Times of India, expressing your views on the issue. You are Akanksha, living at 106

Maharani Bagh, New Delhi.


106, Maharani Bagh

New Delhi-110024


20th July, 2019


The Editor

The Times of India

BSJ Marg,

New Delhi-110002


Subject : Violence during demonstrations


In a democratic country like India, every citizen has a right to express his views on any issue. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right. Whenever there is any decision by the government, all the citizens have the right to express their consent for the decision or protest against it in a peaceful manner. A peaceful demonstration is the best way to communicate the feelings of the masses to the authorities, but nowadays, peaceful demonstrations turn into violent ones. People resort to violence and damage public property.

In my opinion, people resort to violence as a last resort, when repeated pleas to address their problems are not attended to by the authorities. The Gujjar issues, Gorkhaland issue and Reservation issues are long standing issues, but the government lets them fester till they implode out of control.


Yours truly




Read the advertisement given below and write a suitable application in response to it. Sign yourself as Neha/Nitin.

Wanted Office Assistant cum Administrator, preferably a commerce graduate, with minimum two years of experience in a concern of repute. Knowledge of computer is a must. Good communication and command over written and spoken English is desired. Apply within 10 days to the Manager, Tulip India Ltd, Muzaffarnagar.



21, Raj Marg



1st July, 2019


The Manager

Tulip India Ltd



Subject : Application for the post of Office Assistant cum Administrator


With reference to your advertisement in ‘The Times of India’ dated 29th June, 20XX for the post of Office Assistant cum Administrator. I wish to apply for the same. I have the required qualification and experience for the post. I can join immediately if selected.

My detailed bio-data is enclosed.


Yours sincerely

Neha Mittal

Encl. Bio-data







Name Neha Mittal

Sex Female

Date of Birth 16th March, 1984

Father’s name Mr MK Mittal

Marital status Unmarried

Current address 21, Raj Marg, Muzaffarnagar-267020

Contact number 0561-2345234, 09872342556

Educational qualification B Com

Work experience 5 years

Worked as Accounts Assistant in Goel Enterprise, Muzaffarnagar.

Salary expected Negotiable

Other skills Well versed in English and Hindi Knowledge of Ms-Office

References 1. Mr Prashant Juneja, Executive Engineer, UPSEB

2. Mr Sumit Sehgal, General Manager, JPG Products




1. You are Arman/Arpita of 14, MG Road, Pune. You had bought textbook, ‘Vistas’ for class XII from neighbourhood bookstore. After browsing through the book, you realized that a few pages were missing and the print overlapped on a few pages. Write a complaint letter in 125-150 words to the Manager, Dawn Books, Lawrence Road, Chennai, requesting him for a replacement or refund.


14 MG Road



13th January, 2019


The Manager

Dawn Books

16, Lawrence Road


Subject : Defective book replacement


I have bought a copy of the NCERT Book, ‘Vistas’ prescribed by CBSE for class XII from your authorized retailer, M/s Indian Schoolbook store, Shivaji Road, Pune-411005 vide cash receipt no 145/13-14 for 60/-. I regret to inform you that printing has overlapped on some pages, so it is unreadable. In addition, some pages of the book are totally missing. No doubt, you must have received complaints about such problems from other customers, as it appears that one batch of books is having such defects.

When I asked the shopkeeper to replace the book, he asked me to approach you, who are the authorized distributor for NCERT books in South India.

I want you to replace this defective book, or if not possible, refund me the amount paid.

Thank you

Yours faithfully



2. You had bought an expensive wrist watch last week. Now you realize that it is not functioning properly. Write a letter in 125-150 words to the Manager, Edison Watch Works, New Delhi, complaining about it and requesting him to repair or replace it immediately. You are Gobind/Gopa of 68, Park Street, Kolkata.


68, Park Street



12th August, 2019



The Manager

Edison Watch Works

576/13 Mohammedpur

New Delhi-110066

Subject : Defective watch replacement



I have bought a HMT Watch ‘Padmini’ sr no AC 14432/P from your authorized retailer, M/s Indian Watch Store, Park Street, Kolkata-800004 vide cash receipt no /WS 476/13-14 for 560/-. I regret to inform you that the watch does not give the correct time, as it losing about 10 minutes everyday. In addition, the back cover has started showing signs of rust within one month of use. It is shocking that such defective products are being sold to the unsuspecting customers who support the government by buying products manufactured by the public sector.

As it is within the guarantee period, I asked the shopkeeper to replace it, but he asked me to approach you, who are the authorized distributor for HMT watches.

I want you to replace this defective watch, or if not possible, ask the retailer to arrange for its

satisfactory repair.

Thank you

Yours Faithfully



3. You are interested in doing a short-term course in computer graphics during your holidays. Write a letter to the Director, Easy Computers, enquiring about their short-term courses and asking for all the necessary details. You are Naresh/Nandini.


79, RK Puram

New Delhi-110045


12th April, 2019


The Director

Easy Computers

South Extension II

New Delhi 110048

Subject : Require Details of Short-term Course in Computer Graphics


This refers to your advertisement in the Times of India dated 10th April, 2019 informing about the short-term computer courses you are conducting.

I am a graduate in Science and plan to take up a job in the line of software. Specifically, I am interested in the course on computer graphics and similar other courses in this field. Please send me details of the short-term courses you are conducting particularly those that start around 1st May 2019.

I will appreciate it if you could forward me more details of the computer graphics course, including duration, fees, etc.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Naresh Kumar


4. You are Neeta/Naveen of 43, Ram Nagar, Meerut, studying at a coaching centre in Lakshmi Nagar, Delhi. You need accommodation for yourself. Write a letter to the Manager of Paying Guest Service, 15 Aditya Complex, Lakshmi Nagar, Delhi inquiring about the details such as the type of accommodation, monthly charges, facilities provided etc.


43, Ram Nagar



16th August, 2019


The Manager

Paying Guest Service

15, Aditya Complex, Lakshmi Nagar


Subject : Required Paying Guest Accommodation


I have joined ABC coaching centre near Lakshmi Nagar area. For this reason I need accommodation for next one year. My civil services examination is in November, 2019. I will be needing a separate room with bathroom attached from August 2019 to November 2019.

You are requested to supply the details of the type of accommodation available, facilities provided and the monthly charges for the room. Also confirm if such a room is available.

Room can be reserved for the mentioned period of time. Confirmation of these details from your end will enable me to finalise other arrangements.

Yours truly



5. Write a letter to the Station Master, Anand, informing him about the loss of your suitcase which you realized only on alighting at Anand. You travelled by Navjivan Express from Chennai to Anand. You are Priya/Prasad of 12, Kasturi Bai Street, Chennai-20.

12, Kasturi Bai Street



20th May, 2019


The Station Master



Subject : Loss of Suitcase in Train

SirI am a resident of 12, Kasturi Bai street, Chennai-20. On 19th May, 20XX, I travelled from Chennai to Anand by Navjivan Express. I had three suitcase with me. But when I alighted at Anand, I realized that one of my suitcase was missing. At that moment, I was helpless. I became alarmed because in the missing suitcase, all my certificates and other valuables were kept.

Please treat this letter as letter of complaint and act accordingly. I hope for an immediate response from your side to find my suitcase.


Yours sincerely

Prasad Rangrajan

Mobile no 09766510000


Unsolved Examples:

Q.1 You are Prem/Parul of 16, TT Nagar, Bhopal. You would like to apply for the post of Marketing Manager in a reputed firm in Mumbai. Write a letter to the Public Relations Officer, Chantac Enterprises, Mumbai, applying for the job. Write the letter in 125-150 words giving your bio-data.

Q.2 Recently you travelled in a State Transport bus from Chennai to Thiruvallavur, and to your shock, air-conditioning in the coach was not working properly. The quality of the maintenance of the bus was also not good. All the way you spent the time in unbearable heat. Write a letter to the Editor, 'The Hindu', drawing the attention of the General Manager (Maintenance) of the State Transport for taking action in this matter. You are Hema/Ganesh, 25,Avadi, Chennai.

Q.3 Write a letter to the Municipal Chairman of New Town, North Arcot District about the dilapidated condition of a public monument requesting him to take urgent steps for the preservation of this valuable heritage. You are Anarkali/Akbar, 10 Pudupet, New Town.

Q.4 Games and Sports are not giving as much importance in the country as is given to academics. As a result of this, our achievements in the international arena are not very spectacular. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily on the importance of sports and games and on the need to create awareness about it. You are Sunita/Sameer, 8/35, MG Road, Bengaluru.

Q.5 People are migrating from rural areas to the cities in search of jobs. Consequently in the fast expanding cities, children find that their playing fields are shrinking or simply vanishing. Write a letter to the Sports Minister of your state drawing his attention to this issue. Make suggestions to cope with this situation. You are Amit/Amita Jain, 15 Mall Road, Delhi.




An article is an expression of one’s thought on an issue or a subject logically and coherently written in meaningful paragraphs.

Points To Remember:

Give a title that catches the attention of the reader.

Begin with a striking opening sentence which addresses that readers and gets them interested in the topic.

Present a strong argument for your ideas supporting it with evidences or elaboration.

Use linking devices (‘however’, ‘therefore’, ‘although’, ‘even though’, ‘in order to’) to make the composition appear a whole.

Introduce a new point at the beginning of each paragraph that follows to strengthen your ideas.

Develop your ideas as much as you can to make them interesting and substantial.

Conclude with your strongest point.

Use passive voice, humour, emotive language, rhetorical questions to provide a specific effect.

Format of an Article

TITLE/HEADING: Eye Catching, illustrating the central themes

BY LINE: Writer's Name under the title towards the right from the centre

INTRODUCTION: A comprehensive introduction touching upon on the plus and minus of the topic.

Establish the context Put the topic in perspective Draw reader's attention. Specify and delimit your topic

Put a rhetoric question or give some startling facts, statistics or quotation

CONTENT: Spell out the various aspects to the topic-merits, demerits causes, consequences, effects, advantages, disadvantages

TOPIC WINDING UP: Give your opinion, comments, criticism, recommendations

CONCLUSION: Conclude with a hope, a warning, an appeal or a call for an action

Marking Scheme:

Word Limit : 150-200 words

Marks : 10 Marks

Format (Title +Writer's name): 1 Mark

Content: (logical organization, relevance). Credit should be given for the

candidate's creativity in presenting his/her own ideas 4 Marks

Expression: 5 Marks. (2 ½ + 2 ½ )

Accuracy, Grammatical, appropriate words & spelling: 2 ½ Marks


Fluency, coherence and relevance of ideas and style: 2 ½ Marks


Sample Examples :

Q.1 Write an article in 150-200 words on how we can make India a carefree and enjoyable place for women when they can go wherever they like to without any fear of being stared at, molested or discriminated against. You are Navtej/Navita.


How to Make India a Carefree Place for Women

-By Navita

A series of much publicised crimes against women has left many people wondering if India is safe for women. The gang rape of a young woman who later died, aboard a private bus in Delhi in December 2012 caused mass outrage in India. But the crimes continued taking place in different cities of India.

India needs to address gender inequalities on many fronts and especially at the most basic intrinsic level. The attitudes towards women need complete transformation, apart from all the safety measures that needs to be adopted. Women need to be treated with respect and they should be allowed to live free from fear, harm or oppression. They, too, have a right to breathe freely and enjoy life which is possible only in a care-free and safe environment.

We need to create a culture of respect and gender equality which are taught and practised at home. The law enforcing agencies must make sure that the public transportation is woman friendly and is provided with adequate protection system. There have to be zero tolerance for any nonsense. Women should begin to actively learn to defend themselves by gaining confidence to stand up to violence. Self-defence courses can train women to deal with untoward situations. Above all, the general public should be more sensitised towards women and left India emerge one day as a place- safe, peaceful and enjoyable where women feel secure and live their life with dignity and self - confidence.


Q.2 Ragging has raised its ugly head again. A recent incident at a prestigious school has shown that this evil has not yet come to an end. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'Ragging, an evil'. You are Navtej/Navita.


Ragging, an Evil

- By Navita

Ragging in India is a damaging form of interaction of the seniors in the college or school with the juniors, new comers or first year students. Initially, the ragging started in British era in English colleges and universities but slowly it spread and corrupted almost all educational institutions. Original aim was to teach the students respect for hierarchy thereby enforcing traditions and discipline among them. The senior prefect was to be treated as a teacher substitute, thus giving him/her the authority to control and dominate. Soon, the authority started getting misused.

As a result, practice of familiarising beginners with their seniors has now turned into a powerful tool for ill-treating and punishing poor students if they fail to obey their seniors. Under the pretext of fun, a poor student is often assaulted, sometimes even stripped and intimidated by his seniors and this torture obviously leaves an indelible impression on his mind. The chilling incident continues to haunt him and unknowingly he develops various psychological disorders. After experiencing the evil of ragging, a student tends to develop a feeling of revenge for his 'unjustified harassment' and derives pleasure in ragging his juniors on his turn. So the trend goes on and so does the suffering.

Sometimes the situation turns so bad that it compels the ragged victim to commit suicide. At times, the ragging that it turns gets so violent fatal. In many colleges ragging has been banned and is providing effective. Recently, ragging has rightly declared a criminal offence. Still, ragging is prevalent in colleges in secretive ways. Solution lies in more practical steps like having an anti-ragging helpline that can take anonymous complaints and act against the culprits or having awareness programmes conducted a more specific level. This menace, in any case, has to be contained and stopped.


Q.3 Joint family system is gradually disintegrating in the country. Many elderly people get neglected because of the nuclear setup of families. It increases the need of homes for the aged. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic entitled “Should there be Homes for the Aged in India”.



- By Pradeep

Change is the law of nature. The world has witnessed many unprecedented changes in the last 100 years. The disintegration of joint family system is one of such painful changes. Industrialization and urbanization have brought disintegration at a crushing speed. The breakup of the joint family system has led to so many social and cultural problems. Many elderly people get neglected because of the nuclear set up of families. The country is not fully prepared to deal with the problems of the aged people. The need of the hour is to have adequate ‘Homes’ for the aged in India, Europe and America have been able to address to the problem of the aged persons. They have ‘Homes’ and exclusive settlements for their

senior citizens. They provide all the necessary comforts and facilities for the aged. Diseases and the disabilities are the constant companion for the old. Proper medical treatment and facilities are necessary. Nutritious but light food is the need of the aged persons. Such ‘Homes’ provide all such comforts and facilities. The aged person to have a right to a decent living. Their old and tied bones need rest and peace. They should not depend on the mercy of their children. Nor should they be thrown at the charity of the people. Only such ‘Homes’ can help them to lead a decent and respectable life.


Q.4 Devika is a student of Holy Child School, New Delhi. She reads a report on the miserable condition of the Child Labour in India in the Times of India. She is moved and wants to express her strong feelings against the widespread exploitation of children in an article. Using the hints given below in the input, help Devika to write a purposeful article on The child Abuse for the school-magazine.


Child Abuse-a painful fact - children exploited – India a poor country – about 10 million child labour in India – employed in dangerous trades and industries – exploited – living and working in inhuman conditions – Effective legislation against Child labour




- By Devika

Childhood is the golden period of man’s life. Children need love and care for their growth and development. However, child abuse is the tragic irony of Indian social life. About 10 million children are employed in unhealthy, hazardous and dangerous trades and industries. Bare footed, lean and thin children have to work for 10 to 15 hours a day. They work in numerous shops, ‘dhabbas’, brick kilns, small factories and cottage industries. Some risk their lives while selling newspapers on busy roads.

These child-workers are generally ill-fed and treated like bonded labourers. They are often underpaid. Thousands of children work in fire- crackers and match-factories in South India. Many of them get killed in accidents and fires. The carpet industry in Uttar Pradesh employs lacs of children. Children have to work in chemical factories in most inhuman conditions.

Poverty is the main reason that compels many poor parents to send their children for work. India has the largest number of children working in most inhospitable, and inhuman surroundings. The Child Labour Act should be enforced with all sincerity and strictness. Exemplary punishment should be given to the defaulters and the defiant employers.


Unsolved Examples:

Q.1 You saw stray dog beaten to death by a groups of boys. Their act infuriated you and you scolded them for their cruel act. You decided to write an article on cruelty to animals. Write the article in 150-200 words. You are Nikhil/Naina.

Q.2 You are Rajendra Kumar, a social worker. You read an article in 'The Hindu' on 'Health Care for Indian Workers '. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the importance of health care to be delivered at a public function to create awareness among the workers.

Q.3 Write an article in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the topic, 'Obesity among School Children'. You are Mohini/Mohit.

Q.4 You are Raman/Ruchika. Write an article in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the topic, 'Life without Modern Gadgets'.




Point to be Remembered:

The introduction should not be very lengthy. The main topic should be taken up as quickly as possible. Use concrete terms and tangible examples. Avoid abstract phrases which are quite vague. Use simple and familiar language.

The conclusion plays a very important role in the success of a speech. Give your own conclusion on the topic in a telling manner.

Marking scheme is the same as for the Article.

Write ‘Thank you’ at the end of the speech.


    Heading or Title (Optional)

Formal Address


Establishing the context and expression

Adverse effects and values


Formal thanks to audience


Marking Scheme:

Word Limit : 150-200 words

Marks : 10 Marks Format (Title +Writer's name): 1 Mark

Content: (logical organization, relevance). Credit should be given for the candidate's creativity in presenting his/her own ideas 4 Marks

Expression: 5 Marks. (2 ½ + 2 ½ )

Accuracy, Grammatical, appropriate words & spelling: 2 ½ Marks


Fluency, coherence and relevance of ideas and style: 2 ½ Marks



1. You are the Headboy/Headgirl of your school. You decided to make the school population aware of the advantages of tree plantation and tell them how trees can serve as better source of oxygen and fresh air. Prepare a speech you intend to deliver in the morning assembly the next day and write it in your answer sheet using not more than 150-200 words. Take help of the notes.


Trees keep environment cool by :

(a) Taking heat of earth and air

(b) Absorbing carbon-dioxide that helps in controlling temperature rise

(c) Bringing rains

(d) Checking direct sunlight

(e) Providing shade.


Advantages of Tree Plantation

Respected Principal madam, teachers and dear friends Today I am speaking to you all on a topic which is really very important for all of us and for the survival of the human race. It is the ‘Importance of Trees’. I am sure that each one of you is aware how important are trees in our life. For example, they take and absorb the heat of the earth. Indeed, they have numerous advantages. Precisely speaking, they absorb the dangerous carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere. They help in controlling the temperature rise.

They bring rains which is ‘life’ for us all. They take the heat off the earth as well as the atmosphere. They provide us shade. They maintain the ecological balance of the earth and provide us with life- giving oxygen. Seeing their enormous benefits we should plant as many trees as possible. The Chipko Movement and Van Mahotsava celebrations highlight the benefits of the trees.

I feel very sad that we have destroyed much of the flora and fauna for meeting our existential needs. But we must replenish the depleting forests by planting more and more trees at every possible inch of the land. Our life depends on trees. We should educate the people about the benefits of growing more trees. This way we can cleanse our environment from the environmental pollution. I am of the opinion that we must take a pledge  to plant more andmore trees to make the earth a safe place for our lives and also for the coming generations.


2. You are Jay/Jaya, School Pupil Leader of Shyamala Memorial Hall. Trivandrum. Write a speech in 150-200 words that you would deliver in the school assembly during the Vigilance week on how to eradicate corruption from the private and public life. Eradicating Corruption from both Private and Public Life

Respected Principal madam, teachers and my dear friends

I, Jay/Jaya, am going to speak on how to eradicate poverty from both private and public life. We are celebrating the ‘Vigilance Week’. Why do we celebrate it? Doesn’t the occasion urge the countrymen, particularly the youth, to be vigilant and bold? Why should we be vigilant and against whom? The answer is so simple. The country is gradually sinking in the mire of corruption. Corruption, violence and nepotism have become the indispensable ingredients of India’s private and public life. The environment has become polluted. Honesty, faith and fairness have become outdated and forgotten values. Pragmatism and self-interests have taken the place of principles and ethics in politics and public life. No one seems above board. Right from the men in the ranks to the Prime Minister no one exudes confidence and integrity. The UPA II has been constantly rocked by a series of scams and scandals. The commonwealth Games scandal tarnished India’s name at home and abroad. Then came the 2G scam where thousands of crores were alleged to have been siphoned off in shady deals. The COLGATE scam brought even the PMO in the range of suspicion and doubts. The fate of the opposition-ruled states like Karnataka was not different either. The acts of omissions and corruptions brought the BJP government down and out of power in Karnataka.

The cancer of corruption is eating away the vitals of our public and private life. Let’s take pledge to be vigilant. Let’s not tolerate the corrupts and corruption. It is the duty of students and the youths of today to fight against this cancer. They should take a pledge that they will never give or receive any bribes in public or private life. Let’s be vigilant! Why should be forget that many of us have the right of voting. Let’s exercise this power and elect only honest persons and men of integrity for our legislatures and the parliament. Only a corruption-free India will be a strong and prosperous India.


Q.3 You are Suraj/Sandhya of Gargi Senior Secondary School, Delhi. Games and Sports should be made compulsory in schools. Write a speech for morning assembly on the Importance of Games and Sports in Personality Development in about 150-200 words.

Importance of Games and Sports in Personality Development

Respected Principal madam, teachers and my dear friends,

I, Sandhya, am going to speak on ‘Importance of Games and Sports in Personality Development’. Children living in cities are rarely seen playing outdoors, carried away by other attractions like the televisions and computer games, they miss the joy of outdoor play. Today I would like to talk on the importance of games and sports. In small towns, children are still seen playing hide-n-seek or flying kites but in most of the so called  advanced city set-up children playingout in street parks has become a receding sight. There were times when children would go out even in the heat of the afternoon to play and they would not like to return home till late in the evening. Those children were obviously happier and healthier. Outdoor games are very good means to physical exercise which keeps one healthy and active. They make us agile and alert. Playing and running around with friends

makes them happy. There is no scope of loneliness and tension in this joyful group activity. After the day's tiring mental work, an hour or two spent in playing takes off fatigue and refreshes us all over again. Sports also teach us to cultivate in us positive values like sportsman spirit, team work and cooperation which eventually help us in dealing with odds of life.

Playing any sport, be it cricket, hockey , football or tennis or simple "gili-danda" is obviously an exciting activity on the playfield, where children play, fight, agree and disagree and thus develop a healthy, tolerant attitude towards life and world around. Outdoor games are often group activities and they bring about an increase in the number of one's friends which widens one's social circle. Isn't playing outdoors more joyful and enriching in many ways than sitting glued to television or on computers and play some dead games?


Q.4 Power shortage has become a norm even in the metropolitan cities. One way to face this situation is by preventing the wastage of power. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the importance of power in our daily life and how to save power at school and at home. Imagine that you are the Principal of your school.


Ans. Dear Students,

Today I am here to speak on a very important subject i.e., power shortage in our country and how we can save power at school and at home. Electric energy occupies the top grade in energy hierarchy. It finds innumerable uses in home, industry, agriculture and even in transport. No one can undermine the importance of power in our daily life. For our day-to-day smooth living, we need an uninterrupted power supply. But, despite impressive growth in power generation, power shortage still continues and hits our every day existence badly. We, at our level, in our small ways should try to save power. A small change to your lighting, gadgets and proper utilisation of electricity can do a great deal to conserve the electricity. Replacing all the incandescent light bulbs with efficient

CFL/LED bulbs can help in saving the energy. Heaters, coolers, air-conditioners, water heaters, washing  machines etc., are the gadgets that should be used very discreetly to savepower. At school, you should see to it that all the fans, lights etc., are turned off while leaving your classrooms and make others also aware of the need not to waste.

Sustaining electricity delivers the double purpose of helping stop the global warming and saving a lot of money. In our day-to-day life we can use the natural lights whenever possible. Today's wastage can be tomorrow's shortage. If you do not think of saving the power today, it can bring dark nights in your life tomorrow. Conservation is important and you can do it if you try. We all can actually play our part to save power in order to have a better and brighter tomorrow.


Unsolved examples:

Q.1 You are Ajay/Anu, Head Boy/Girl of Kendriya Vidyalaya. Yu have seen some students of junior classes littering the school compound and verandahs with tiffins. It makes the school look unclean and untidy. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly, advising such students to keep the school neat and clean.

Q.2 You are Rajendra Kumar, a social worker. You read an article in The Hindu on ‘Health Care for Indian Workers’. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the importance of health care to be delivered at a public function to create awareness among the workers.

Q.3 Media has a strong hold on society. Write a speech in 150-200 words on how media influences public opinion to be delivered in the school assembly.

Q.4 People in India by and large are very religious. Almost all our school begin their activities with our morning prayer. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the assembly on ‘The Importance of Morning Prayer in the life of human being’. You are Ajay/Veena.

Q.5 Hockey is the national game of India. Today it is in name only. Write a speech in 150-200 words asking the students to play hockey. It is inexpensive, more healthy, a short duration and a team game. You are Ajit/Rupa.





Formal Address

Introduction : Against or For the motion

Arguments against or for the motion


Formal thanks


Marking Scheme:

Word Limit : 150-200 words

Marks : 10 Marks

Format : Formal Address + Formal Thanks 1 Mark

Content: (logical organization, relevance). Credit should be given for the

candidate's creativity in presenting his/her own ideas 4 Marks

Expression: 5 Marks. (2 ½ + 2 ½ )

Accuracy, Grammatical, appropriate words & spelling: 2 ½ Marks


Fluency, coherence and relevance of ideas and style: 2 ½ Marks



Q.1 Write a debate in about 150-200 words on the topic ‘Homework should be Abolished’.


For the Motion

Respected Chairperson, honourable judges, members of staff and friends

I stand here today to speak for the motion that homework should be abolished. At the very outset I’d like to raise this question – Is that homework to be done by the parents, the tutor, or the already overburdened student ?

In my opinion, homework is rarely done at home. It is most often copied in the bus, in between classes, or these days reproduced over the telephone. I submit, in fact, that homework often becomes such a burden in my families, the parents decide to do it in the speediest and most convenient manner. As a result, older children, private tutors, or even parents themselves set to work completing it. Further, I feel very strongly that homework checks a child’s physical, emotional and social development. It simply programmes students to become competitive. I should like to draw your attention to the fact that this monster – homework – becomes a thing of fear and finally becomes a holiday horror. I fail to understand why my worthy opponent has chosen to support something that consumes so much of the student’s free time and energy, both in term-time and holiday-time.

My final argument is that it is of limited value. The type of homework most often set is dull and mechanical, so as to keep students busy at home as in school. I support the motion that homework should be abolished.


Against the motion

Respected Chairperson, honourable judges, members of staff and friends

I stand here today to speak against the motion of the topic that ‘Homework should be Abolished’. My knowledgeable opponent has submitted that homework is not a desirable thing. But may I ask how the teacher is to check and assess the work of the student if not through homework?

I strongly oppose the view that homework is done by parents, tutors or other children. On the contrary, if homework is constructive, and stimulating, it becomes such a pleasurable activity. I don’t think that homework checks a child’s growth. Instead, it builds children’s self confidence, and gives them a sense of achievement.

In class, most of the time has to be spent learning from the teacher or working groups. There simply isn’t enough time for the teacher to allow students to work silently and individually. This, I submit, is the great value of homework – that it encourages students to deepen their understanding of topics covered in class, by working quietly and privately on a motivating task. I strongly reject the view that homework has to be dull and mechanical. Instead, homework is usually thought-provoking. It is always interesting, if done in the right spirit. Homework is an essential part of education. It is good for us as it is enjoyable.

Thank you all.


Q.2 Write a debate in about 150-200 words on the topic ‘Capital Punishment has No Place in a Civilized Society’.


For the Motion

Respected Chairperson, honourable judges, members of staff and friends

I, Anshu, stand before you to speak for the motion on ‘Capital punishment has no place in a civilized society’. I feel that capital punishment is a sign of uncivilized human behaviour. The sole basis of this argument is that when we can’t give life to any one, what right do we have to take it of others? This means even the state has no right to take away the life of a person.

Capital punishment actually kills a person by inches before it is given. I personally feel that death sentence comes as a relief. I find these arguments hollow and unfortunate. Life, we must know, is precious and it is once-in-a-life opportunity. It must be preserved at all costs. A death sentence gives no chance of repentance and reformation. Nor does it give any noble message to the people at large. Man is no animal and he has the capacity to be reformed through choosing a right path. Sometimes his anger overpowers him and due to that

he commits sinful activities. But when he repents, it is all over by then. I am of the opinion that such a person must be given a chance to improve his lost status through repentance. This never means that his crime should go unpunished. But he should be given a chance to reform. Capital punishment is no remedy.

Thank you all.

Against the Motion

Respected Chairperson, honourable judges, members of staff and friends I, Anupam, stand before you to speak against the motion on ‘Capital punishment has no place in a civilized society’. I am of the opinion that if someone has fallen so low in the human scale that he is no more an animal. He commits crime like animals.  Naturally he must be dealt with those measures that domesticate animals. Secondly, I find that when man has fallen so low,

he can’t leave his animalism at any cost. In this way, he loses all chances of reformation. I find, honourable judges that he has no right to live in the human society. He simply becomes a danger to other peace-loving citizens of his society. My knowledgeable friend has stated that a man who has tasted the blood has the possibility

of reforming himself. But I would ask him, can a beast of prey change into a non-preying beast? Never, honourable judges. Such persons should be dealt with the laws of nature or the famous one: ‘eye for an eye’. The most important thing is the presence of ear in the human beings before going criminal. In the middle-east countries crimes are simply non-existent because of this fear. And capital punishment is that instrument of causing fear in the minds of the people. With them we can maintain a crime-free society.

Thank you all.


Q.3 Write a debate in about 150-200 words on the topic ‘ Mall Culture in Cities have a Positive Aspect for Teenagers’

Mall Culture in Cities - Positive Aspects

For the Motion

Respected Chairperson, honourable judges, members of staff and friends

I, Zeeshan, stand before you to speak for the motion on the topic ‘Mall Culture in Cities have a Positive Aspect for Teenagers’. Shopping malls are becoming integral part of cities. Every corner of a city has at least one shopping mall in it. They are fast emerging as new hallmark of new development. Teenagers love to visit malls with their friends and family. Air-conditioned atmosphere provides a big relief from sweltering heat one has to face while shopping in markets in summers. The neat and clean, safe and secure building helps teenagers to forget the stress and pressure of schools and colleges enjoy free time in a relaxed way. Shopping malls help teenagers to shop for anything under the sky under one roof. All their favourite things like Junk Jewellery, latest DVD, newly released books all are available  there. They can take electronic item of any brand without caring about bargaining as the

articles sold in malls are of quality brands with fixed price tags. Window shopping, the best way to learn about latest products in market is best done in malls. Teenagers with their peer are seen window shopping at showrooms of famous brands there.

Shopping malls also provide perfect place to give and enjoy parties McDonalds, Pizzahuts, KFC and many such eating joints have their outlets in malls. It is becoming a new trend among teenagers to celebrate birthdays, friendship days and many such occasion in the company of whole gang of their friends in shopping malls.

Shopping malls with their movie theatres provide another way of enjoying holidays with friends and family. One can watch latest movie in cool and relaxed atmosphere of such theatres. Thus shopping malls are emerging as the most favourite place for teenagers to hang around in the company of their loved ones without worrying about heat or hunger.

Against the Motion

Respected Chairperson, honourable judges, members of staff and friends

I, Zeenia, stand before you to speak against the motion on the topic ‘Mall Culture in Cities have a Positive Aspect for Teenagers’. Mushrooming of shopping malls in every nook and corner of cities is becoming a nuisance for common people. Teenagers suffer most because of increasing mall culture in cities.

Everything about malls is detestable. Their imposing structure and lucrative exterior symbolise the superficiality of city life with increasing materialistic outlook of its people. They seem to be blot on social growth of people. Youngsters, especially teenagers spend their valuable and hard earned money of their parents in malls. Shopping malls are harmful for health of the visitors. The air inside the malls is due to its

being air-conditioned without proper ventilation. The air inside it contains fumes from its eating joints besides breathed out air of the crowd there.

Shopping malls are heavy on the purse also. Most of the showroom in malls charge higher prices in comparison to those in open markets as they have to pay higher rents. It costs many times more to watch movies or buy things here. Shopping malls encourage western culture among teenagers. They get lured by the

glossy advertisements about the eating joints there and want to give parties in them instead of at home. They thus, harm teenagers as they get away from Indian values like partying at  home with parents. To conclude, one can say it emphatically that today's teenagers under the bad influence of western culture , encouraged by malls, spend their valuable time and hard earned by roaming around aimlessly and many a times anonymously in malls in the name of window shopping. They want to show off to their friends their spending powers and western outlook at the cost of time and money.

Q.4 Write a debate in 150-200 words on the topic ‘Relevance and Desirability of Coaching Centres’.


For the Motion

Respected Chairperson, honourable judges, members of staff and friends

Today I, Sumit, stand before you to speak for the motion on ‘Relevance and Desirability of Coaching Centres’. You’ll see that today’s world is simply of neck-break competitions. Against one seat in a medical or engineering institute there are hundreds of applicants. Herein comes the coaching centre. If a boy or a girl shows very good score in the competitive examination, his or her chances for admission are bright. So I don’t think anything is wrong with these coaching centres. There are many plus points in favour of these centres. The most important is that only the bright, intelligent and deserving students get admission in prestigious and

professional colleges. If average students get into them without any competitive examination, then they’ll not be successful at all in life.

You’ll say that these coaching centres charge very heavily as tuition fees. Then most of them are ‘teaching shops’ and their aim is only to mint money. This can’t be applied onto every coaching centre. A student can choose which coaching centre is suitable for him or seeing his or her paying capacity. A light side is that even in life one needs to be conscious of what’s good or bad for him or her before he or she decides to choose.  These centres, indeed, provide coaching in such a way that even an average student can show good results. If it were not so, many of them would already have been closed. So I am of the opinion that they should stay.

Thank you all.

Against the Motion

Respected Chairperson, honourable judges, members of staff and friends

Today I, Krit Kumar, stand before you to speak against the motion on ‘Relevance and Desirability of Coaching Centres’ in today’s society. My knowledgeable friend has laid down before you some good reasons favouring the desirability of these coaching centres in today’s world. You’ll see yourself that these centres are multiplying day-by-day. Their growth indirectly tells the sad story of school and college education. In direct words, I would say that school and colleges are not functioning as they should. So these coaching centres are there at their cost. I feel that if these educational institutions function in the right spirit, these coaching centres don’t need to be there. For that our teaching fraternity is responsible together with the administration  Honourable judges, in my opinion, these coaching centres are teaching shops’ only. These show rosy paths to the unsuspecting students and try to trap them into their net. Then these start making money from them on one count or the other. These are centres for ‘misguiding’ the students. That’s why, many centres disappear overnight when their realities are out. My knowledgeable friend has spoken favourably about prestigious coaching centres.

But their fees are so high that many sstudents can’t afford them. What I want is that those centres which mint money without doing good should be punished. Then school and college education should be improved.

Thank you all.

Unsolved Example :

Q.1 In an inter-school debate competition, you have to speak for the motion, 'Safety of Women Working in Night Shifts is Inadequate.' Draft a debate speech accordingly.

Q.2 The government has banned the use of animals in the laboratories for the purpose of dissection. Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the decision.

Q.3 Some people feel that electronic media (TV news) will bring about the end of print media (newspapers). What are your views on the issue? Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against this view.

Q.4 Draft a debate in favour of or against the motion in not more than 120 words on the topic, “Commercialization of Sports is the urgent need of the hour.”

Q.5 “Boarding schools are better than day schools for the all-round education of a child” is the topic of the Inter House Debate to be conducted at your school. Draft a debate expressing your views either for or against the statement.


A report is a written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated. It is a systematic and well organised presentation of facts and findings of an event that has already taken place somewhere. Reports are used as a form of written assessment to find out what you have learned from your reading, research or experience and to give you experience of an important skill that is widely used in the work place.

 Report writing

Generally, there are two types of report namely, newspaper report or a magazine report. Newspaper report is the one which is published in a newspaper and magazine report is generally written for a school magazine. 

   A well written report must possess the following traits: 

Ø  adherence to the specifications of report brief;

Ø  analysis of relevant information;

Ø  structuring material in a logical and coherent order;

Ø  presentation in a consistent manner according to the instructions of the report brief;

Ø  making appropriate conclusions that are supported by the evidence and analysis of the report;

Ø  Now, it is very important to follow a proper format. Not to forget that format carries marks.


Report Writing Format

Format of a magazine report

Heading- A descriptive title which is expressive of the contents of the report.

By line- Name of the person writing the report. It is generally given in the question. Remember, you are not supposed to mention your personal details in your answer.

Opening paragraph (introduction) – It may include the '5 Ws' namely, WHAT, WHY, WHEN and WHERE along with WHO was invited as the chief guest.

Account of the event in detail- The proper sequence of events that occurred along with their description. It is the main paragraph and can be split into two short paragraphs if required.

Conclusion- This will include the description of how the event ended. It may include quote excerpts from the Chief Guest's speech or how did the event wind up.

Format of a newspaper report

Headline- A descriptive title which is expressive of the contents of the report.

By line- Name of the person writing the report along with the designation. It is generally given in the question. Remember, you are not supposed to mention your personal details in your answer.

Place and date of reporting- It is generally not mentioned in a magazine report separately, but here, it is.

Opening paragraph- It includes expansion of the headline.  It needs to be short as it is a general overview of the report. 

Account of the event in detail- It is generally written in two parts: First, complete account of what happened in it’s chronological sequence (preferably) and second, the witness remarks.

Concluding paragraph- This will include the action that has been taken so far or that will be taken. It is the last paragraph.






By line

By line (along with the designation)

Opening paragraph

Date and place

Account of the event

Opening paragraph


Account of the event and witness remarks




Q1. MMD School, Nashik, recently organised a science symposium on the topic: 'Effect of pollution on quality of life'. You are Amit/Amita Raazdan, editor of the school magazine. Write a report on the event for your school magazine. (120 – 150 words) 


Report on Science Symposium held at MMD School, Nashik

-By Amit/ Amita Raazdan, Editor of the school magazine 

A symposium was organised on 1 March 2019 in the school on the topic "Effect of Pollution on Quality of Life". All the science students were a part of the elucidative programme. 
The event stared with the felicitation of the guest speakers. Thereafter, the participants were espoused by Sh. Suraj Prakash. He acquainted them with the objectives and goals of the workshop. The resource person Dr. Hari Om Gupta reflected his profound knowledge on the topic and highlighted how important it is to curb the menace of pollution.

An exalting demonstration of effects of pollution on our lives galvanized the engrossed participants. After the lunch break Dr. K.K. Arora, Resource Person, exhibited the possible steps that can be undertaken at the personal level to reduce pollution. It was followed by another session on the basic concept behind pollution reduction which triggered the young minds into thinking innovative ways. 

An interactive concourse ignited the inquisitiveness of participants. They have committed themselves completely to bring about a change in the situation. The informative workshop culminated with a vote of thanks proposed by the head of the science department.


Q2. You are Karan/ Kirti of L.M. Memorial Public School, Dwarka. Your school has adopted a village as a social responsibility. Students are being taken to teach the children of that village on a regular basis. Write a report, for your school magazine, on the various other programmes organized there in 150-200 words. 




On the occasion of World Literacy Day, L.M. Memorial Public School, Dwarka has taken an oath to embrace the village named Rajpur. 

The school has taken the responsibility of educating the people residing in the village. Selected students from each standard are taken there every weekend, during school hours to impart knowledge. The first 6 month motive is to make each and every person capable of reading and writing. Free books and stationery is being provided for quality education. Children are given time to spend with each other, play games and interact. Apart from the educational needs, special care is devoted to hygiene and sanitation. Girls are being given awareness on the importance of menstrual hygiene as well. Various talent hunts have been organised which left everyone overawed. The immense enthusiasm and zeal in the people to learn is the main driving factor. 

A family kind of environment is being created. The school treats the people of the village as its own students and is unbiased. By adopting a village, the school is making its students sensitive towards the needs of the environment at a young age. It is committed towards raising the leaders of tomorrow.


Q3. Cultural Society Sunshine Public School, Nellore organised an adult literacy camp in its neighbourhood. Write a report in 150-200 words on the camp for your school newsletter. You are P.V. Sunitha, Secretary. Use the following clues: no. of volunteers – hours spent in teaching – location of the class – chairs, blackboards – no. of people attending the camp – benefit. 




An adult literacy camp was organised by Cultural Society Sunshine Public School, Nellore in the school neighbourhood yesterday extending educational options to those adults, who have lost the opportunity and have crossed the age of formal education. The activities of the camp were carried out by the cultural society of the school and there were a total of 25 volunteers. 

The camp began with the welcome speech for the chief guest, Mrs. Kavita Naik, a renowned social worker. 400 people were a part of the camp. They were divided into different groups in accordance with their competencies. They were taught the basics for being able to read and write. Free books and stationery is being provided for quality education. All the arrangements including desks and blackboard were done in advance. Apart from the educational needs, special care was devoted to hygiene and sanitation. They were taught basics of cleanliness like types of wastes and their management. Refreshments were also provided to the participants. The immense enthusiasm and zeal in the people to learn iwas the main driving factor. 

The chief guest distributed the certificates of participation among the volunteers. The camp ended on a positive note. There was an atmosphere of learning and growing together.


Q4. You are Sandhya/ Sohan an active member of the Animal Lovers Club which works for the welfare of animals by preventing cruelty to them. Recently you visited Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home. You were pleasantly surprised to see the good treatment given to the animals. Write a report in 150-200 words on your visit. 
You may use the following points: injured dogs and cats – abandoned pets – very old animals – all very well cared for – well-equipped medical room – veterinary surgeon – green surroundings. 




Animal Lovers Club was recently invited by the Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home for a visit where an opportunity to oversee the working of the organisation was given. 

It is a home to abandoned pets, rescued animals and the ones injured on the streets. There were many old animals as well. It was astounding to see the quality of care the animals are being given. They have a family-like environment for them. This helps them to heal faster and stay happy. The animal home has all the facilities ranging from well- equipped medical room to a veterinary surgeon. Regular check-ups of those unwell by a team of veterinary specialists are carried out. The surroundings are animal-friendly as well. They are not being ruthlessly kept in cages. They have green surroundings with enough space for them to play and nurture. 

Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home is doing a mind-blowing job by understanding and fulfilling the needs of those who can’t speak for themselves. The experience was an overwhelming one.


Q5. Independence Day was celebrated in your school. District Magistrate, Ms. Indu Bala Sharma was the Chief Guest. Write a report on the function in 150-200 words describing all the activities that took place. You are head boy/Head girl. 



GD Goenka School celebrated the Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervour. On the morning of August 14, 2019, our students presented hand-made greeting cards and tri-colour flag badges to the senior management functionaries of the school. 

The cultural programme at school commenced with everyone singing ‘Vande Mataram’ followed by flag hoisting by the chief guest, Ms. Indu Bala Sharma, the District Magistrate. The spirit of freedom and nationalism was well exhibited by the students as well as the teachers through a spectrum of patriotic poems, speeches, quiz on freedom fighter, songs and dance. Committed to the task of nation building, both faculty and student teachers pledged to serve their motherland through spreading education and serving the community. A presentation on the historical evolution of the national flag of India was shown. A documentary on the contribution of unsung heroes of Indian freedom struggle like Tirupur Kumaran, Kamla Devi Chattopadhayay and Khudiram Bose enlightened the audience. A few of them spoke on the history and significance of the Independence Day and shed light on the special highlight of celebrations this year 

It ended with a speech by the principal on the topic, “What does freedom mean to me?” The celebration concluded with the inspiring words of the principal madam, followed by the National Anthem and the distribution of refreshments.


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