Class -X (Writing Skills) Analytical Paragraph

                                  Class X

Analytical Paragraph (Notes)

An analytical paragraph is a form of descriptive writing which is written on the basis of a given chart, graph, data, outline, clues, table etc. It requires analysis and comparison of the given facts and drawing conclusion based on the given data. When writing an analytical paragraph, one should remember to describe the facts in the best possible manner and cover the information provided. The paragraph must use clear and crisp language along with providing complete details of the data provided in the question.

Features of an Analytical Paragraph:

It describes the given chart, table, data, graph, cues etc.

• It should be brief and comprehensive but at the same time, include complete information.

• It should state the facts that are provided.

• It should have simple and accurate language.

• It should mention figures and quantities appropriately.

• It should use the same tense throughout, as far as possible.

• It should not provide any personal observation or response.

• It should preferably use the passive form of the verb.



:A problem is presented and learners are expected to suggest some solution based on some logic. They are supposed to support their solution with arguments, reasons and/or data.


Some data is presented in the form of a pie-chart, a bar graph, a line graph, a table or a combination of any two of these and learners are expected to analyse the data making comparisons and drawing conclusions and to summarise it in the form of a paragraph.


Some information is presented as an input and students are required to process and understand that information and then summarise it in a paragraph. Sometimes, they may also be required to give their own opinions or draw their own conclusions, too.


A flow chart, a diagram, a visual or an infographic is presented and students have to analyse the information it presents, usually a process showing the sequence or different stages of action in the making of something.


Usually a set of two maps is presented as an input with significant differences in a piece of land, a landscape or a building plan showing some changes, additions, and alterations therein. Students are supposed to carefully analyse these changes and summarise them in the form of a paragraph.


A flow chart, a diagram, a visual or an infographic is presented as in a process and students have to analyse and summarise the information it presents, usually the behaviour or pattern or structure of an organism or various traits of the character or profile of a professional or the lifecycle of a species etc.


A set of two visuals or diagrams or infographics is presented with one showing marked differences and/or similarities in comparison with the other. Students are required to notice and mark those differences and similarities and then summarise them objectively in the form of a paragraph.


A situation is presented and students are asked to put forth their suggestions or advice on what the person(s) or organisation(s) involved in it should do. This type is similar to the problem and solution based type of analytical paragraphs.

Format of an Analytical Paragraph

Content in 100-120 words

The content of the paragraph must include the following:

• Introduction (explain in one or two lines the context or what is clearly evident from the chart or graph)

• Body of the paragraph (explain in detail the figure and trends, making comparisons and contrasts)

• Conclusion (give the overall view or summary of the chart or graph)

Points to Remember

• We must not include any personal opinions, conclusions or observations but simply stick to the facts.

• We must choose wisely the important information, organize it well, state the correct facts and summarize it properly.

For introduction, we can start with phrases such as-

The chart given above describes…/The given table suggests…/ The line graph shows…/ The data given provides information about…/ The pie chart illustrates…, etc.

Some Other Useful Expressions for Writing an Analytical Paragraph

To report an increase

-     Has risen/increased/gone up/shot up…

-      Has experienced/seen a rise/an increase in…

-       Has shown/registered a rise/an increase…

-      Has reached a maximum/a peak of…

To report a decrease

-       Has fallen/gone down/come down to…

-       Has dropped from......… to .......…

-       Has experienced/registered/shown a fall/a decrease/a decline in….

-        Has hit/touched/reached its lowest/minimum level/point...

To report differences

-        Is better than/more than double/half as much/three times more/less than....

-       Not as big as/as much as/as large as...

-       Many times over/more/less...

To report similarity

-       Is the same as/similar to...

-        Is/Are comparable with...

-        Can be grouped together/classified together/clubbed with...

-         Show(s) similarity/similarities...

-         There are striking similarities between...

To report comparisons and contrast

-         As compared to…

-         In (sharp) contrast to/with…

-         Is comparable/not comparable with…

-         Compares well with...... /Contrasts with…

To report constancy or no change

-         Has seen/registered/experienced/shown no change...

-         Has remained constant/unchanged/the same...

For Conclusion 

-          overall....’, ‘subsequently...’, ‘in all....’, ‘in a nutshell’, ‘in short’, ‘therefore’, etc.

• For body of the paragraph, we should organize the information well. We should look for the large differences that are very prominent. We can mention the aspect which is the smallest or the largest in the data given. Any aspect that is similar should be mentioned next. We should further mention about the aspect that has remained unchanged or is constant throughout.

• If the chart or table mentions two different groups, we should refer to both of them in the paragraph. If there is any contrast or comparison that could be drawn, we must present it effectively. If the chart is about a particular time period or highlights trends of several years, we should mention about each year in a concise manner. If any comparison or contrast can be made for two or more years, we should write about that too.

• For describing the pattern of growth, we can use words and phrases like- ‘rapidly doubled’, ‘skyrocketed’, ‘striking increase’, ‘peaked’, ‘soared’, ‘declined’, ‘plummeted’, ‘leveled off’, ‘stagnated’, ‘fluctuating’ , ‘starting to rise’, ‘starting to fall’, ‘drop down’, ‘slightly’, etc.

• Mentioning quantities: When including numbers and figures, the accuracy must be ensured. Quantities can be described in a number of ways, such as percentage, fraction, ratios etc. For describing quantities, we can also use words and phrases like ‘one-third of’, ‘nearly one-fourth of’, ‘majority’, ‘on an average’, ‘twice as much’, ‘almost equal’, ‘the highest’, ‘the lowest’, ‘approximately’, etc.

• For establishing relationship or contrast, we can make use of words and phrases like- ‘similarly’, ‘in contrast with’, ‘ in comparison to’, ‘however’, ‘whereas’, ‘as opposed to’, ‘while’, ‘a striking difference’, ‘a noticeable difference’, etc.

• For conclusion, we may use words and phrases like ‘


( Based on Pie Chart)

Ex- Global weather is warming leading to Arctic meltdown. Study the following pie chart and write a brief paragraph on factors affecting global warming, in about 100 words.

Global warning is primarily a result of the greenhouse effect caused by too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which acts as a blanket, trapping heat

Solution - 


( Based on BAR -GRAPH)

1-Study the chart given below, which is the result of the survey conducted in the public schools and government schools of Vadodara. This depicts the types of activities the teenagers (Age 13- 19 years are involved during their leisure time). Complete the summary in about 80 words.

                      Teenagers and leisure time

Now a days the teenagers are more techno-savvy than the children used to be ten years back. They do not play games like Ludo, Carrom, Chess and other indoor games. 9-18 % of boys and girls in the age group of 13-19 years possess their own cell phones. In the survey conducted recently on some 2000 students of two leading schools- one government and the other a public school, the following facts were revealed. While the students from public schools spend more of their leisure time in net-surfing and talking on cell phones, the government school students spend it in watching TV and talking to their friends.

( Based on BAR -GRAPH)

2- The following data in the form of histogram shows that death due to violence has increased considerably during recent years. Write its interpretation in 100 words on how educated youth can play a major role in establishing peace in society.

      Role of youth in establishing peace in society

Youth and peace are interlinked in society. Youth can play an important role in establishing peace in society. In a survey conducted, it has been found that number of deaths due to violence has increased enormously since the nineties. Death rate in 1000s was 2.5 in 1990. But in 2010, it has increased to 7.5. It is really very sad. It must be checked.

Our youth can play a major role in controlling this crime graph. They can contribute towards establishing peace in many ways. They can awaken the people towards the necessity of peace. They can help the police in catching the criminals. They can bring the criminals in the main stream by educating them and they can do much more.

( Based on Line -GRAPH)

Q : 3 Rishi is to write an analytical paragaph on the occasion of celebration of anti-dowry week on the desirability of eliminating this social eviaboul of dowry. Write it on his behalf in t 150–200 words. Using the information given in the graph given below and your own ideas.


It would not be wrong to say that dowry is simply a blot on our society. Every year young lives are lost due to this social evil. Yet this evil is not eliminated. The above graph gives a picture of these deaths from 2014 to 2021. Maximum marriages were solemnised in 2017. This year also saw the burning of 800 young brides which also includes the young women who married some time before it. In 2015, about 700 married women were forced to commit suicide because of continuous torture for bringing insufficient dowry. This figure continued to rise in the years thereafter. 500 remarriages speak much of this social evil. There is some relief in the fact that the number of deaths fell onwards from 2018. This may be due to the fact that many social organisations raised a hue and cry. The Government amended the Act. Social pressures also helped in containing this evil. There are numerous examples to show that women have received an equal place with men in our scriptures. We treat the women as ‘goddesses’. But we also burn them for some material benefits like getting CTVs, refrigerators, scooters, etc. An educated girl, in herself, is a sufficient dowry. If she is an earning hand, she adds another feather in her cap. An educated bride brings a really good change in the family by way of all round progress. She brings cheerfulness by the qualities of head and heart. We must eliminate this evil by pledging neither to give nor to accept dowry. Our youth can be Raja Ram Mohan Roy in this field, who raised his voice against this social evil.


( Based on PICTURE or Picture Analysis)

Q : 4 The cartoon below makes fun of the kind of fashions followed by today's youth.Using ideas from this cartoon together with your own ideas, write an analytical paragraph in about 150–200 words on “Changing Fashions”


In today’s fast moving modern world fashions are changing very fast. However, the fashions show a downward trend in moral values. Looking at them one can safely say that fashions reveal lack of consideration in human thinking. For example, women dresses are very scanty. They leave more parts of the body naked. The young people like to wear such kind of clothes. These make them look like wild animals. Most of them wear a cloth-band round their foreheads and rings in their ear lobes. Equally young girls like to wear very tight dress. This tends to reveal their body frames and contours. This makes them look vulgar and repulsive. Fashions should make one look aesthetically appealing. Clothes like good manners should be appealing and beautiful. But it is not so with our youth. Modern youth copy blindly their favourite heroes and heroines in the film industry. The clothes worn by those in the glitter of cinema have a purpose. It is to cater to the baser elements. But in real life this never is the approach and should never be. In fact, our moral and aesthetic values must get an upper hand over everything. It is the moral duty of the fashion designers to take care of our values while designing fashions. We should not serve the baser instincts through fashions. Youth have a duty not to wear any dress which makes nonsense of everything sensible.

Q : 5 Technology has revolutionised the concept of classroom teaching in the western countries with WiFi campuses, on-line classes, kid-friendly laptops & virtual teachers. Using your own ideas and the information given in the cartoon given below, write an analytical paragraph in about 150–200 words on “ Should Indian classrooms imitate the western trends ?” You are Pritam/Preeti.

"Settle a bet Mrs Maria are you hardware of software"
I couldnt do my homework -our electric sharpener pencil broke down

         Should Indian Classrooms Imitate the Western Trends?
Technological advancements began from the time of early man, though the technology developed at that time was not so advanced as compared to today, but still it was the beginning. Development is never an ending process. On the one side we Indians are considered as the proud owners of a glorious education system in the past and on the other side we are running after the Western Trends. Education provides us with knowledge. It makes a student confident, determined and independent. But the Western
Trend is fully dependent on gadgets. What will happen when a person is deprived of these accessories ? Will he remain inactive ? Can we imagine such a situation ? No ! using the latest technology is good but complete dependence is not at all accepted. Knowledge awareness brings in its own set of regulations and restrictions requiring careful monitoring and also personnel for successful implementation for the betterment of the students. And our present Indian classrooms perfectly fit in this scenario. These classrooms provide new essence with up-moving directions in our life, so that we can live in a meaningful way. Our education system becomes more fruitful in our day-today life, that we start enjoying our work and in believe our efforts and continue our positive thinking.

Q : 6 The visual given below makes fun of the amount of money spent on wedding these days. Using ideas from this visual together with your own ideas, write an analytical
paragraph on “Everything in life should be done in moderation” 150–200 words.
“Every thing in life should be done in moderation.” 

I think the vulgar display of wealth at our daughter’s wedding was much better.


It would not be wrong to say that celebrations of marriages are treated as a status symbol in our country, especially amongst the middle and upper middle classes. The well-to-do people treat them as a prestige or social symbol to spend extravagantly on weddings. They feel that spending on them will enhance their social position. Thus, they go out of the way to spend lavishly on marriages of their sons and daughters. For example, tents, lights, dowry items get the maximum share of marriage expenses. This false impression for a few hours costs them lakhs of rupees. This surely sets very bad examples for persons who are at a low social level. So spending extravagantly on marriages is improper and bad. Like the saying goes “Excess of everything is bad”, spending too much on marriages is also bad. There is nothing like simple marriages. This has got a validity. Lakhs of rupees are spent on lighting, tents etc, for a few hours’ false show. The money spent on this can be very important and valuable if saved for the later life of the newly-weds. Artificiality is artificiality. If one deserves respect, one will get it, not by false pomp and show. Niceties of life and appreciation can be gained by being nice and helpful to others and not through vulgar display of wealth. So it is high time that people stop spending extravagantly on marriages. One’s motto should be : ‘Everything in life should be done in moderation’.

Q : 7  Nikhil sees the following cartoon on the high level of pollution on earth. He has to write an analytical paragraph on the topic for the school magazine. Write this paragraph for him in about 150–200 words. Using this information and your own ideas.

                ‘This is your Captain speaking. We’re about to land on earth.
                   Kindly put on your oxygen mask!’

                         Pollution on Earth
                                                           —by Nikhil
Among all modern problems facing the world today, the problem of environmental pollution is the most glaring. It will not be long when we will have to wear oxygen masks if this pollution increases at the present level. This cartoon beautifully suggests this. There are many reasons for this pollution. We have cut the forests to meet the demands of ever increasing population and setting up various industries. Burning of petrol and the smoke emitted by the factories pollute the air. We breathe in carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. The effluents are let off in rivers by the factories. They  cause water pollution. Pressure horns, loud speakers, ‘music’ from music parlours add to the sound pollution. All this has made human life a real nightmare. Human health is in grave danger. Respiratory diseases like bronchitis, asthma are on the increase. The metropolitan cities have become unsafe for habitation. Children are the most sufferers. It is the need of the hour that something should be done to contain the increasing environmental pollution. It can be checked by planting more trees and implementing various laws to check it. If something is not done soon, the damage to our biosphere will be difficult to repair. It is high time that this problem is solved at once.

Q : 8 You are Meghna. Look at the picture given below. It depicts the massive jam of vehicles reflection the chaotic state of traffic in metropolitan cities. Taking clues from the picture and using your own ideas, write an analytical paragraph in about 150– 200 words depicting the existing state of traffic on roads and suggesting ways and means to improve the conditions.

            Chaos on roads in metropolitan cities
                                               —by Meghna
It is seen that in the last decade India has seen a rapid growth in the automobile industry. Every year we see new cars and other vehicles. This also shows the economic prosperity of the people, especially the middle class. But this has given birth to many problems. There is now a virtual disorder on roads in metropolitan cities. It seems people have no road sense. They drive their vehicles the way they like. They forget that the roads are for other road-users also. Secondly, they seem that they are in a great hurry. Thirdly, there is always an increased pressure of vehicles on city roads almost every time. During peak hours it is a hell. Roads are the life-lines of any city. But their encroachments lead to the creation of many problems. Those on wheels never obey the traffic rules. They feel that the roads' are meant only for them. The apathy of the transport or police authorities is also responsible for this disorder on roads. Next, the vehicles do   not keep to their lanes. Road markings are not there, nor are the policemen. Whatever may be the case, there is virtual hell on these roads. When the road-users do not observe rules, they cause enormous delays to others also. This leads to road rage. That’s why, there are road fights or quarrels among the drivers. The authorities should do something to create order among the road users without any delay.

Q : 9 Arun sees the following scene as he looks out of his bedroom window. He is alarmed at the way his city has changed in the past five years. He writes an analytical paragraph expressing his alarm and painting the present position cautioning people against environmental pollution. Write this paragraph in about 150–200 words using this information and your own ideas. 

                  Growing Environmental Pollution
                                                      —by Arun
It is really painful that our city has undergone some serious changes due to environmental pollution during the last five years. There used to be trees on the city roads. Also there were few vehicles plying on them. Life was peaceful and free from environmental pollution. Such a face of the city has disappeared. Now the smoke emitted by vehicles has become a health hazard causing many respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis etc. Also the noise pollution has greatly increased. Various factories throw poisonous smoke into the atmosphere through their chimneys. This smoke contains poisonous gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. These cause various breathing, problems and later serious diseases. The dry and withered trees show a serious effect of this pollution on them. They look diseased and withered. The drains used to be cleaned during the last five years. But now they are seldom cleaned. Mounds of sewage are seen piled up on thoroughfares. Thus the city has become unfit for a healthy living. It is all due to increasing environmental pollution. This all calls for immediate steps by the authorities to check the increasing environmental pollution. If immediate steps are not taken in this direction, the city may soon become unsuitable for living.

( Based on Data)
Q :  10   The table below shows risk of death posed by five different causes in two income groups of people along with the world average of these deaths.Study the data carefully and then summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph.

Deaths among Three Different Income Groups due to Different Risks/Causes



Low and middle income

High income

Percentage of deaths




Indoor smoke from solid fuels




Unsafe drinking water, insanitation, lack of hygiene




Urban outdoor air pollution




Global climate change




Lead exposure






The table shows some statistics related to deaths among low and

middle income groups as well as high income groups due to five

reasons indoor smoke from solid fuels; unsafe water, insanitation

and lack of hygiene; urban outdoor pollution; global climate change

and lead exposure. As is clear from the data, the high income group

people die of the outdoor pollution more than any other cause. They

account for 2.5% of all deaths which is higher than the world average

of 2.0%. A mere 0.1% people of this group die of drinking unsafe

water, insanitation and/or lack of hygiene. On the other hand, the lower

and middle income group has mortality rate higher than the world

average in all categories except urban outdoor air pollution, where it is

0.1% less than the world average of 2%. This group accounts for 3.9%

and 3.8% deaths due to indoor smoke from solid fuels and unsafe

drinking water, insanitation and lack of hygiene respectively. Global

climate change and lead exposure account for 0.3% death each among

 this group. Overall, more people in the lower and middle income group

die of the given causes 

Q :  11    Youare Subhash/Mira. Given below is a table based on data given about the number of tourists who visited your city in the past two years.  

You have been asked to write an analytical paragraph on ‘Promotion of Tourism’. Taking information from the table given below together with your own ideas, write this paragraph in about 150–200 words.























                                     Plans of Tourism Department

                      ·     To develop a wildlife park.  

                      ·     Illumination and light-and-sound programme at one of the places of tourist interest in the city.      

                       ·     To develop a big amusement park.

                       ·     Convention centre and a multiplex in the city.


                                                           Promotion of Tourism


There is no doubt that India is emerging as a tourists’ destination both at national and international levels. For example, tourists from other countries were 8563 in the year 2020. But this number went upto 11478 in the year 2021. However, domestic tourists fell by 8219 in these years. This means we have to take steps to increase the numbers of both the types of the tourists. India’s cultural heritage and unity in diversity are like magnets for the tourists. However, we must take steps to attract the tourists. For example, we must remove problems which hinder the flow of tourists. That’s why, there are plans like developing a wildlife park. One important place of tourtist interest should be equipped with light, sound and music system. Then theie is a plan to develop a big amusement park. A Convention Centre and a multiplex are also going to be added. Besides these, a few hotels are also coming up. The tourist agencies are being connected via satellite telephony so that tourists do not face any problems. All the places of tourist interest are connected by chartered buses. It is hoped that by these steps, tourist inflow to the country will increase greatly.

( Based on Hints/Notes)

Q :  12     You are the Headboy/Headgirl of your school. You decided to make the school population aware of the advantages of tree plantation and tell them how trees can serve as better air-conditioners. Write an analytical paragraph in about 150–200 words. Take help of the notes given below.


                  Trees keep environment cool by:

                   (a) taking heat of earth and air

                  (b) absorbing carbon-dioxide that helps in controlling temperature rise

                  (c) bringing rains

                  (d) checking direct sunlight

                   (e) providing shade.




Trees are really very important for us all. Their advantages are innumerable. For example, they take the heat of the earth and the air to aircondition the environment. Indeed, they have numerous advantages. Precisely speaking, they absorb the dangerous carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere. They help in controlling the temperature rise. Then they bring rains which is 'life' for us all. They take the heat off the earth as well as the atmosphere. They take off the heat of the sunlight and provide us shade. They maintain the ecological balance of the earth and provide us with life-giving oxygen. Seeing their enormous benefits we should plant as many trees as possible. The Chipko Movement and Van Mahotsava Movement are there which highlight the benefits of the trees. We say that our life is simply possible because of the trees. It is sad that we have destroyed much of the flora and fauna for meeting our existential needs. But we must replenish the depleting forests by planting more and more trees at every possible inch of the land. Our life depends on trees. We should educate the people about the benefits of the trees. This way we can cleanse our environment from the environmental pollution. We must take a pledge to plant more and more trees to make the earth a safe place for our lives. 

Q :  13 Ritu is to write an analytical paragraph on ‘Smoking is a silent killer of life’. Using your own ideas and the information given below write this paragraph on her behalf in about 150–200 words.

        Hint - Smoking a drain on limited income of an average income earner – vital              organs get affected – harmful for those not smoking – need of educating people             about the danger of smoking




Smoking is actually a silent killer of life. It is also a drain on the limited income of yours. A smoker may say that he feels relieved of worries when he smokes. But it is his own whim. Smoking does more harm. It doesn’t give any sort of freedom from anxiety. The nicotine is a poison and is dangerous to various vital organs like heart, kidney, liver and lungs. It is actually a slow poison and kills a smoker slowly. They say that smoking a cigarette shortens one’s life by four minutes. So smoking means shortening one’s life knowingly and inviting death due to cancer which is very merciless. Smoking also affects the non-smokers. So a person who smokes is affecting the health of the other persons who are near him. Smoking causes a deadly disease like cancer. There is a statutory warning on the cigarette packets that smoking is injurious to health. But it is of no importance as the smokers feel a bit terrified to read this. The next moment they forget it and smoke. The government has taken a right decision now in banning smoking at public places. We all can guide our smoking youth not to smoke but give it up at once. In taking care of our health we shall be rendering a greater help to the national cause to ensure good health to all Indians.

Q : 14 Harish is to write an analytical paragraph on ‘Environmental pollution. Write this paragraph on his behalf in about 150–200 words using your own ideas and the information given below:



           Sources of pollution—traffic—garbage 

         Ecological balance—falling of trees—building of dams—congested localities                      Suggestion—Plantation—pooling—shifting of factories and mills




Environmental Pollution



Environmental pollution is one of the major and serious problems that is being faced by the developing countries. The ecological balance of the earth is being threatened by it. Air and water are polluted by the toxic constituents. Noise pollution has destroyed the calm and serenity of our surroundings. The main sources of pollution are the increasing vehicular traffic and garbage. The petrol or diesel being used in the vehicles emits toxic smoke which contains lethal gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide. All those inhaling these gases contract deadly diseases. These are like bronchitis, asthma and other breathing problems. The accumulating garbage emits foul smell. It is the birth place of many contagious diseases. Various leather and chemical industries pollute both the air and the water by belching out poisonous smoke and effluents in water courses. The increasing felling of trees, building of dams and upcoming of congested localities have played havoc with the clean environment. Human life is in

Q :  15  Given below is a newspaper report on the state of cancer prevailing in India. You have been asked to write an analytical paragraph on ‘Cancer—a silent killer’ Taking information from the clipping given below together with your own ideas, write this paragraph in about 150–200 words.

Hint - In India, cities are more cancer- prone than rural areas. In the early 1990’s, we expected one out of 10-15 urban Indians to get cancer in their life -time, that is every second or third family would have to face this disease. This is partly due to high levels of benzene in the air and also that the metros are exposed to high levels of pesticides in their foods.  In order to check the steady growth of cancer in the country, the Government shall have to give priority to preventive action. At the same time measures to undertake improvement in facilities for the treatment of cancer shall have to be adopted.



It is a matter of concern that our urban population has become cancer-prone more than the rural population. It is very sad that every tenth person is likely to have cancer. It is due to high level of benzene in the air. It is also due to the high levels of pesticides in the foods. Also highly radio-active waves of the cell-phones etc, have also contributed to this grave danger to human population. To check this menace of cancer, the Government shall have to give top-most priority to preventive actions. More facilities like Diagnostic Centres and Cancer Hospitals need to be created for the treatment of cancer patients. 

 There is a dire need to contain this deadly disease by taking some urgent steps. First of all, we must ban the wide use of the pesticides. Excessive use of pesticides is really harmful for human health. In the developed countries, much emphasis is being laid on organic manure instead of the fertilizer. So we have to introduce organic manure. Then crop pattern needs to be changed. Besides this, a kind of public awareness programme will have to be undertaken. Public is to be awakened towards the growth of cancer and its easy detection. This would surely help in the containing of this disease at its initial stages. If cancer is detected and treated at the early stages, it can’t be fatal.

 Practice Examples-- 

1. You are Nisha/Nishant. As Secretary of the Literary Club of your school, you have been asked to write a paragraph on the importance of reading. The following histogram clearly states how irrelevant reading has become to the present generation. Taking ideas from the histogram, write the paragraph in about 100 words.


2. The graph given below makes it quite clear that the number of female children has drastically declined since 1991 even in the capital of the country. The number is getting abysmally low in various states. Using the data given below together with your own ideas, write a paragraph in about 100 words on the decreasing number of females in the country. Suggest measures to tackle this problem.


3- Study the graph given below, which is based on a survey done on students of tenth class in three different types of schools in Ahmedabad. The chart depicts the number of students speaking English and Hindi. On the basis of the details given in the bar-graph given below, briefly summarize the data making comparison wherever necessary in about 80 words.

Hint- Compare the percentage of students speaking English and Hindi in all three schools giving the possible reasons.

Begin Like this:-

In a study conducted on the students of class tenth of three various types of schools- Government school, private school and a KV, it was observed that


4. As an aware citizen of the country, you are concerned about the increase in road accidents in the metropolitan city Delhi. Interpret the data given below in about 80 words. Also use your own ideas.

Horizontal line (x-axis) – years
Vertical line (y-axis)-No. of accidents



5-Give below is a pie-Chart, which shows different types of electric gadgets, used by middle-class people in their houses on an average in Ahmedabad. On the basis and the unit ‘Science’ of your Main course Book; write in about 80 words the reason of selecting the electric gadgets for their houses.

Take into consideration the price range, durability, lower electric consumption & after sales-service.


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